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Chimeras Tank Build (Sump room, new tank etc)


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Yeah, tinyest drill bit I've got. It's not the standpipe that's on an angle, the endcap is. Because if it's all the way on of course the pipe siphons and then loses the siphon, but totally off you can hear it on the opposite side of the house.

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Finally the reef racks are complete - it wasnt too bad in the end once i got the hang of it :) You can see the 2nd rack is so much better made than the first once I got the practice in :) I cant post pic's quite yet coz isp has made their file system read only. at least thats the message when i try and ftp them.

Ive attached the ball valves to the tank valves. Also hooked up a temporary closed loop for the bottom to test water flow through the bottom spray bar. It's ok but could be better. Problems not with the plumbing but with the Eheim 1060 as its not grunty enough (hence my wanted ad in private t&e section!). There is sufficient water movement under the rack at least to rid of dead spots but it could be better (sounds like everything i've done - it "could be better" = "more money")

Did another small addition of plaster to a couple of spots around the tank where the plaster hadnt set properly and pulled off when the tank was pushed back. This MUST be dry and sanded tomorrow night otherwise I'm screwed! Gib sealer needs going on then as well. As mentioned previously, Friday is the day off work to do water collection etc. High tide around 4pm will mean Friday morning will be making the lighting hood. Still no real plan for that yet which sux as I know I'll be driving around all day to various hardware stores trying to figure out what on earth I'm doing... :-?

Pic's will be posted in due couse!

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cant see pic's coz wanka's at IHUG deleted them off their web server. likely because they got hacked and had to restore web pages from last night. have re-uploaded them for ya. see previous page.

thanks IHUG, nice security... not.

yes, bommie is exactly created for that need. new anenome will have it's happy little home amonst the crevices in the rocks (can i spell? who knows)

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IHUG, try xtra... telecom are ###### useless. Jetstream was down for 6 hours the other day. I'm kind of use to their "micro" outages of a couple of minutes every 8 hours or so, but six hours! Anyone would think that they don't have redundant equipment!

Why reef racks? Because live rock is expensive. Better flow around live rock within reef structures can apparently increase the filtration effects of the rock (you know what I mean?). Lower volume of rock, with equivalent filtration effect.


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Im more tending to go with the fact that reef rack = less dead spots. You will only (for example, in my tank) be missing out on several kg of LR by having reef rack but not to a stage where it causes a detrimental effect.

IMHO, I believe that having no reef rack and dead spots in your LR (which can cause high nitrates) is worse than having a reef rack with less LR (in proportion of course - a 500mm high reef rack with 3kg of LR plonked on top of it aint gonna do jack shit - Im talking about your typical reef rack setup)

New tank with first coat of gib sealer:


I have just realised that this project has taken almost 3 months so far. Started 15th of June... man and I thought I'd get it done in 6 weeks, whadda joke! :lol: Especially when Steve Weasts monster upgrade took a day...!

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8 hours! holy crap. poor you dude, thats just wrong!

i picked up 300 litres today (ran out of time, do the rest tomorrow) went back down stairs and the hose i put in the drum had self-syphoned 100 litres of sea water onto my driveway... :evil: talk about a kick in the head... getting the rest at 5pm tomorrow night. time for a beer me thinks...

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Nono, I meant 8 hours too far to give you a hand.:) I only go about half an hour drive to get water. and it looks like it takes about 45 minutes to collect 200 liters. So, not too bad, gotta get me some hip waders I think, make it a bit of a dryer job.

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have finished the lighting hood and installed it. I still have to add actinic's to it - just haven't got around to buying any end-caps and ballasts for it yet. :oops: For the time being, I'll just put the fluoro's on the edge with just blues in it. Here's the hood. Its pretty basic but since its never seen, I dont really care! The piece of 3x2 timber in the centre (seen in 3rd pic down) is the mount for the moonlight....





Collecting more sea water in an hours time!

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