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I don't know if I'm feeding enough..


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Or if I'm feeding too much?

I have a community tank of:

1 - 3 spot gourami

1 female swordtail

4 black widows, 4 glowlight tetras, 4 zebra danios, 4 neon tetras (i know theyre schooling fish im planning on getting more of them all)

1 Rainbow Shark

2 Clown Loaches


2 Peppered Cory

2 Siamese algae eaters

and i think that's it...

Anyway I feed them around once a day or once every two days - I give the schooling fish quite a bit of flakes but they never seem to be full, my gourami hasn't been coming out to eat since I moved them all into a bigger tank and I've been feeding all the bottom feeders 2 sinking wafers a day.. But there always seems to be a fight over them once all the fish become aware of them (including the swordtail and schooling fish). I was just wondering if I should be putting more wafers in or what I should be doing in general?

Also what vegetables should I put into the tank for the bottom feeders?

Thanks - hopefully that all made sense :S

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Thats not bad advice IRA

Though you can have ur fish eat all the food and still be over feeding your tank

Just because the food is eaten it still becomes waste and can impact the water quality alot or your fish get fat as well

Have you had your water tested for Nitrates at all?

Or ammonia?

What filtration do you have on your tank?


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Thats not bad advice IRA

Though you can have ur fish eat all the food and still be over feeding your tank

Just because the food is eaten it still becomes waste and can impact the water quality alot or your fish get fat as well


That's not overfeeding, that's underwater changing. :P

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All in the way you look at it Ira

Quite simply you need more information then the first post to give the correct answer

What size tank is it?

What filtration rates are the 2 filters?

Over all Id say your more then likely under feeding them though


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I thought I was feeding my kokopu enough. They had nice full bellies and were usually fed daily on frozen bloodworms. They were growing slowly and were NOT skinny.

Then I saw some kokopu the same age as mine and they were twice the size.... d'oh!

I started feeding them oxheart and they doubled in volume in two months!

What everyone else is saying is true: overfeeding is only an issue if the aquarium maintenance is not keeping up with the load. And yeah, it can all be eaten up, but it still becomes waste at the other end, no matter how much or little you feed.

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