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gold rams


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mitzys gold ram have eggs.Shes over the moon.Her computer hard drive has given up,so she cant come on here at the moment.She was just moaning that her fish dont do any thing,so im pleased for her :lol: Now i can forget those ear plugs.mumzy50

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Laptop all fixed, No eggs now somebody ate them I think either the parents when they hatched or the kuhlies loaches.

I didnt plan at this stage to breed them but now I know they can , Im hoping they do it again , may move the kuhlie loaches first.

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I think I sold you those rams on trade me? Good to hear they are doing so well for you, were gorgeous little fish! :D

Hey there , Yeah I thought it was you a while back but was not sure.

Yeah they gorgeous , the male is very bossy lol they ended up with a tank to them selfs with the kuhlies.

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I tried that with my golds and I think they got to them at night lol so who knows :) They are notoriously bad parents :(

When i seen them they were doing a great Job taking turns looking after the eggs , Hopefully they do it again, when the did it tank was not really set up for that , got a major brown and black algae in that tank and want to get it cleared up, guess they cant wait for me lol

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Omg I did a water change as I thought they had eaten the eggs but i in the flower pot was heaps on these tiny what i think to be babies , smaller than fighter babies. was heaps in bucket so put the water back in tank so fingers crossed, also put a sponge filter in.

I had red long thin worms sticking to the side of bucket what are they?

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I wouldnt expect Ram fry to be smaller than fighter fry

So they would be as big as figher babies? there were heaps of these dots swimming they have to be babies and the daddy gold was attacking the mother had to remove her , maybe its my eyes lol

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the tank would have to be real dirty to have live bloodworm in it.

Not much difference in the size of ram and fighter frys.

I do a gavel clean weekly but do have a bad algae problem brown and bba, they were only under the flower pots.

Looked up leeches and they dont look like that.

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