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Sponge filter on while trying to breed Blue Ram's


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I'm having my first go at breeding Blue Ram's, and while I know they lay egg's on smooth surfaces, If I have a sponge filter running, would it suck the fry in when they hatch??

PS Any other tips on breeding would be appreciated

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Sponge filters are what you use when your breeding and you don't want the eggs to be sucked up..

Mine spawned all the time I fed them up on whiteworms and daphnia I had blues and golds breeding like mad, I killed all the babies though either before or just afte free swimming so haven't figured that out yet, I then lost all the blues and all the golds except for one male I have just brought some more blues so hopefully I can get them breeding, and hopefully one of the blue females breeds with the gold :)

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Can you breed blue and gold rams together.mumzy50

Some people say yes some people say no.

At the moment i am saying yes,Just because they are all blue in the wild.

So its just like Breeding a Black angel with a Pearlscale Crowned angel.


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I am going to give it a go but I am a responsible breeder if anything random does come out then it will be disposed of :) I just really want this gold to have babies because he's awesome ill get some pics at some stage..

AFAIK golds are just a colour varient of the blues and im talking normal blues and normal golds not those mutant ones..

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yea mitzy they'll interbreed potentially and you don't want that.

Isn't it just like breeding 2 different coloured guppies together? They will cross breed but if its a community tank there is little chance of babies surviving so I wouldn't worry about it if you did want to breed them later on then take the blues out breed them then take the golds out breed them.

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Hi Ryan, I've seen the result of the cross between blue & gold and in all honestly I couldn't tell that they weren't true blue rams. The breeder showed me and I think she said there was a little yellow around or just behind the gill area.

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