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South american Killes?


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There are to my knowledge No Cynolebias species in the country.

The Nigripinnis are Austrolebias > Austrolebias Nigripinnis

Even i knew that lol...

That is the species i want to get a pair of them to breed when you killie people get the population up.

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I belive that in the forseeable future, they will only be made available to members that have a solid breeding program with proven success in peat spawning.

We just cant afford for these to disappare

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I am pretty sure I had cynolobias about 30 years ago. Not much colour but fancy fins as I recall. One of the problems with fish like this is that no one wants to buy them so people lose interest in breeding them. Having said that, does anyone have walkeri? --they are a nice looking fish I had then also.

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No Alan but they are on the list and Ive been talking to your people and they are willing to help so in the near future (or when they next import) with a bit of luck we may get them here again.

The others that they had had "disapared" so no luck there but as I said, they have been really helpfull

There is a few Nothos on the list that look exciting as well

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When the comes I will be talking salt big time to them

It would (of course) be at our risk but I think it will be worth trying at least.

In the past I simply have not bred enough quickly enough and have passed on too many eggs so thats another thing I may need to talk to them about. If they could put peat in with them straight away when they arrive.

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I discussed velvet with him and he was aware of it and their sensitivity to chelated copper, copper and malachite. He said he would treat with acraflavine but was sure that velvet was not the problem. Acraflavine can cause temporary sterility. I am not sure what the problem is. I think it may depend on where they originate from because I think part of the problem with imported guppies is that they are kept in ponds close to the sea where there is sea water ingress and we put them into fresh water. The temperatures in Asia are often a bit much for killies I think and that was why I was hoping to get some in from Germany. Might have to give that idea a bit of a push. Importing is getting harder and I think the number of importers is going to decrease rapidly.

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I haven't discussed it but if it was me I would be seperating the sexes to take pressure of if I knew they were hard to keep alive. He said he just lost one every few days for no obvious reason until they all carked. It would cost a packet to get them tested and they don't always get it right. When I imported goldfish they told me that some very healthy fish had Tb and wouldn't believe the ones that were dying actually had it. Someone stuffed the labels I think.

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Dixon, what i'd suggest for you to do is first of all join the NZKA, then obtain some mop spawners to start off with, and practice breeding them, raising fry, and all the other things we need to know how to do, then get some species of peat spawners (the more common, easier to breed ones) and get used to breeding them, storing eggs at the correct temp for the correct time period, hatching the eggs then raising the fry, and once you have done that heaps with the easier species you may well be lucky enough to get some of the rarer species.

At this stage, the chances of a non-NZKA person getting nigs is about nil unfortunately.

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Dixon, what i'd suggest for you to do is first of all join the NZKA, then obtain some mop spawners to start off with, and practice breeding them, raising fry, and all the other things we need to know how to do, then get some species of peat spawners (the more common, easier to breed ones) and get used to breeding them, storing eggs at the correct temp for the correct time period, hatching the eggs then raising the fry, and once you have done that heaps with the easier species you may well be lucky enough to get some of the rarer species.

At this stage, the chances of a non-NZKA person getting nigs is about nil unfortunately.

That is what i have been told my Barrie, and i plan on doing this once i have got my tang and my discus tanks setup,and sorted out the others to make room for some smaller breeding tanks.

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I suggest you get some nothos and breed them a few times

In not sure if there are any Notho breeders down your way although Im putting the presure on Alan

Wise decision though and I congratulate you on it

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If dixon (or any other club members) are keen to have a go at the nothos I am happy to help. I have bred thousands of them but am not geared up for them now. Make sure that if you sell them to the shops (or anyone)you advise the need for salt or they get velvet and get a bad rap. That then makes it hard to sell all killies. If you are breeding successfully you have to sell them as you can't carry them around in the boot of the car.

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