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Who chomped my male fighter's tail? (+ pic)


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He is in a 2ft community tank with 2 females, a few little killies, 3 platys and a small school of neon tetras. He has had his tail gnawed to shreds.


Any clues who the culprit would have been. My only thought is that he is not the same male that the females were with before. Could it have been them? The other inhabitants don't really seem like likely culprits but I could be wrong.

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I've noticed my male Albino Gardneri killifish will have a go at anyone/thing that's silly enough to get in his face, a similar thing may have happened with your betta if he's new to the tank?

Hope his fins grow back soon, he's a very nice colour! :)

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I've noticed my male Albino Gardneri killifish will have a go at anyone/thing that's silly enough to get in his face, a similar thing may have happened with your betta if he's new to the tank?

Hope his fins grow back soon, he's a very nice colour! :)

Oh really, well I do have one of those in this particular tank and he is the only other fish I can see who has a wound on him too. Plus the female bettas are chomped too.
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It may be the females as some females will attack the males when others will ignore them it all depends on the male and the female. I don't know much about killies so I don't know if it could have been them. My platys and neons don't attack my male and I haven't heard of any that have.

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