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hi all

Funny I have just got the bug. Have had goldfish forever but when my last one died 9yrs old decided to be an upside down fish I decided to try a trpical tank EASY hahahaha. I have had my tank set up now for about 5 weeks. Been and tested the water all is fine. 9 neons and 5 cherry barbs to date.

I don't think they are vey happy some how as last night I came home to find only 2 cherry's at home? where were they? not floating, not under in or hiding anywhere I could see. Husband (hwo says I need help as I am obsessed) couldn't find them either. This morning my five little buddies are back?

Unfortunately they seem to have little spots on them like air bubbles I am wondering if this is white spot? I haven't noticed this before could it be from the new plants I got last weekend.


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It is an Aqua 510. Came with filter and lights on top. 75ltr.

I think I made a mistake with this tank as it is quite small and I would like to have a varity of comunity fish and realise that I can prbably only have my 9 neons 5 barbs and prbably one or two more little ones.

I looked at the deseases site and am pretty sure it is white spot. There is a great article on it in there and I will try the temperature cure.

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The raising of the temperature is not a cure, it merely speeds up the whitespot cycle. Use a whitespot treatment as well.

Whitespot is a sign of stress. You also need to work out what has stressed your fish so badly or they will keep getting infected. Probably too many fish in an uncycled tank. Have you done any water changes or water tests since the tnak was set up?

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doing water changes every 7 days. About 1/4 of the tank. The water I change it with is straight from the tap. I have read recently that this is not a good thing perhaps this is causing it. I will test the water tomorrow. Could this be caused by overfeeding at the moment I feed them in the morning and at night it is all gone in about 5-7 mnutes.

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Nothing wrong with water from the tap but if your water supply has chlorine in it you will need to use water ager or conditioner to neutralise it as it is bad for fish. Let us know what exactly the tests show for pH, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates if possible.

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Well tested water and all was good. Have treated the white spot and it looks like ts clearing up unfortunately I have lost one of the barbs. I have turned the temp up to 28 for winter as suggested by the pet shop. He seemed to think 25 was too low for this time of the year and could be causing the stree.

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My tanks at around 24 degrees.. should i be turning it up too? :-?

Sorry I should have put that better - I have had ich in one of my tanks and had to turn it up to 32 degrees before I started to win the battle.

The room where I keep the tanks keeps them at about 28 in the summer months anyway.

If your tank is healthy at 24 leave it there otherwise you will stress the fish.

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