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Breeding Siamese Fighters - Where to keep the male?


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I have 2 very pretty female siamese fighters living in my community tank with several gouramis, catfish, loaches, silver dollars, guppies etc. These 2 females are quite characters and we would like to breed them.

Where would be the best place to keep a male fighter? Would he be ok in the community tank or would it be better to put him on top of the tank in a little glass container like they do in some LFS? Seems very mean though I must say. We do have a separate tank that we use for breeding/fry but I wouldn't want him to be in there for too long at a time.

Does anyone have any tips for breeding fighters?


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If you currently look directly below this thread you'll see one tilted "Breeding Fighters".

There's 10+ pages of info and help there that I'm sure you could use from a new persons perspective.

Will save us all from having to post the same stuff 8)

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thanks Leroy. i've just read that post and found it quite useful, i also have those links in terms of genetics so i can figure out my ratio of the next generation, hmmm what sort of male to get!

where should i be keeping the male though? on top of the tank in a glass container? in our baby's room which must be kept super warm but could be risky (no certainty of the temp of the water, wouldn't want him to get cold)? in a breeding net in the community tank? or loose in the community tank (but expect we could have problems there)?

i haven't bought him yet s. i might just get still working out where will be best. what about a small separate tank for him as we have a spare heater, it might be easier do you think?

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hi tukituki, I'm glad my post could help you. I know that I asked alot of questions so I'm sure most of your answers were answered. I think you should just get any fighter that takes your fancy unless you want speciffic type fry which in that case would be best to get two of the same type. If you have a spare heater and every thing I'd let him live in there (it's also a good excuse to set up another tank :lol: ).

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yeah i've been to look at new tanks but think i'd get more for my money 2nd hand! might get a fairly big tank and divide it up...

they had 2 male fighters at my LFS, one looked dead and the other seriously depressed and not so pretty, i will keep looking!

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You can get some really good deals on tanks second hand. I got my big 5ft x 2ft x 2ft with rimu cabinet for $425 although I did have to go to Hastings to pick it up.

You could keep your male with your females as long as the tank is planted and they have places to hide although IME I find that in a community tank there doesn't seem to be many problems.

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once i find him i'll see how he goes in the community tank which is heavily planted. i'm on the lookout for another tank as it would be so good to have another (my obsession is growing!). i think 2nd hand is the way to go or else you buy the tank, pump, light etc and it all adds up! hopefully someone will answer my wanted add

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The only problem is in a community tank is that the male may get nipped. My male double ray fighter got his fins nipped and they take a really really long time to grow back.

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You should see if you can make it to the next HBAS meeting, 21 May, it is the AGM and Auction, this is our largest auction. There are usually a few tanks for sale that go for ridiculously low prices.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi .... I have a male I put in a 23 ltr tank and thought he might like some company :wink::wink: .... fine for 2 weeks .... then the bigger female became agressive to the male, harassing him, ripping his fins to shreds ... she would latch on to his tail and he would drag her around tying to shake her off.

I have now put the female in an isolation tank but wonder what triggered this considering they were getting along fine?



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