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HELP Identification needed!


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Ok so we bought some new fish today, we have no idea what they are, even the lady from the store who is very well knowledged about her fish didnt know what they were.

Ive tried having a look online but cant seem to find anything that looks quite like them.

This is unusual for me as I would normally know what it is or atleast where to go to find out.

I guess im barking up the wrong tree I have no idea at this stage hence why I am coming to the experts ;)


Description: Silver, about 10cm long head to tail, not as round as silver dollars a bit more streamlined, but they kind of remind me of silver dollars however they arent shiney like them, they are more scaley like barbs, they have a black dorsal fin which fades off being clear at the edges.

They seem to have a scitterish nature, have that same nervous look as silver dollars..

I remember seeing some in another shop and I think they were called silver .... (something).. but cant remember.

This is probably an easy one for those wisened fish experts out there, and help or pics would be greatly appreciated.


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hehe nope its not a silver shark we have one of those, no its more rounded like a silver dollar but more streamlined.

It has a rounded tail rather than being sharp and pointy, it almost looks like a giant tetra or cross between some kind of congo tetra and silverdollar already I have noticed that they are eating plants like silver dollars do...

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Hmm, could be, but I hope you're wrong Bill!

Is it one of these cure little things:


that grow rapidly into one of these:


It shouldn't be, well not if the person at the LFS is "knowledgeable", although I find it hard to fathom that anybody at a shop could end up with a fish they know nothing about, considering they have to order them in by name...

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[i find it hard to fathom that anybody at a shop could end up with a fish they know nothing about, considering they have to order them in by name.../quote]

She said they came unamed and werent ones that she had ordered but just kept them anyway lol

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Hey thanks for the help guys, I am pretty clued up on the types of tropical fish as Ive been a keeper for about 6 years now, so annoyed at myself that I dont know what this is, however I do know that it is not a black widow tetra nor a gourami, if anyone knows more about the types of fish that belong in the silverdollar area I would say its closer to this, but I know its hard without seeing a pic, so give me a mo and I will try and take one... wish me luck! :lol:

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DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS CORRECT! YAY!

Thanks a heap I KNEW it was silver something D just couldnt remember the last word, woo hoo I am very glad to now know what they are.

I dont have much to offer but my thanks :hail: , and my fishys thank you too! :bow:

Another mystery solved.. :D:D :bounce:

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