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Will this set up work???


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As in my other post I'm wanting to breed my two fighters. My male is a red double ray and the female is a red crowntail with flecks of blue in her fins. My question is will my setup be ok for them to breed. It's my 22 litre tank with a under gravel filter and that tube with the airstone down the middle of it (I hope you know what I mean). It has gravel and planted indian fern and an artificial rock fith all the holes in so the female can hide. It also has a lid that the male builds his bubble nest under. They've laid eggs before but I don't think the were felilised.

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Take out the filter, if you really want one then get a sponge filter or make you can make one yourself. Take out the gravel, having that will also decrease your spawn size, and make sure you only fill the tank around halfway or less. Best to place plants in a corner too if you haven't.

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I'm not sure but I don't think you will have great success. In saying that I may be wrong.

IMO and how I do it is that a bare bottom tank is best. The eggs are very small and during spawning drop to the bottom of the tank where the male and female pick them up and place them in the nest. I think the stones will make it very hard to locate the eggs. During the spawning it is better that there is no filter running. After the fry hatch an airline can be added and after a few days drop a sponge filter in to allow the bacteria to grow on it. At about a week attach the sponge filter.

You will need infusoria (which I don't use) or liquifry for egglayers for when the fry have absorbed their eggsack and microworms or bbs for when they start swimming horizontally. Do not feed too much at any one time.

Hope this helps but remember everyone does it different ways. You will need to find what is right for you.

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Well today I went to the lfs and brought a sponge air filter thing and some liquid fry food for egg layers. So tommorow I'll empty the tank and lower the water and set it all up. Also the female is starting to fatten up so hopefully next weekend I'll be able to try breed them again.

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