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PH too high - run off from concrete


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I have built a new outdoor pond - 5000 litres. It is filtered. It's had water in for six weeks, but no plants or fish yet. I tested water for PH which indicates 7.8. The water from the tap is 7.3. When it rains, water runs over a plastered concrete block wall that forms part of the general pond structure. The plastered wall does not form part of the actual pond. The actual pond has a butynol-type liner.

Is it likely that the PH is high due to run-off from wall?

Is the PH level at 7.8 too high for goldfish and plants?

If the plastered wall is the problem, I can seal it, I guess. Is there a cost-effective way to reduce the PH of a 5000 litre pond?



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Is it likely that the PH is high due to run-off from wall?

Possibly. It may drop once the plants are added.

Is the PH level at 7.8 too high for goldfish and plants?

The fish won't mind, if they are adjusted to the pH slowly. The plants will get used to it I think and may, as said, help reduce the pH.

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Actually I'm now not sure that my PH is only 7.8 - That's just as high as the little testing kit goes. I think it could be a lot higher. Is there a testing kit anyone can recommend that gives a more accurate reading? The kit I've used is 'Aqua One' and cost $15.90. I've still got no plants or fish. I want to be sure of the PH before I add fish, in particular.



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Is the plastered wall new'ish? If so it may leach for a while and then settle.

Maybe you can take take a water sample in to a shop and have them test on a high range pH kit if you don't have one....

I could be wrong but I think some folks here use peat to make water more acidic.. but at a pH of 7.8 you should be fine with goldfish.

The pond at our rental is concrete and the pH stays around that level. Plants etc do fine all the same.

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