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Where to store brine shrinp?


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No worries, will get some small snaplock bags for it all.

Hey Barrie, have modified your hatchery a bit. As i'm using a moulded tank with built in hood, i have found the little black suckers that hold the heaters are a perfect fit for a small drink bottle neck. The bottle sits perfectly in the water - upside down- and only takes up a fraction of the space. Will put another 2 bottles in tomorrow linked together with the airline tubing. Thanks again :)

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you could send her an article and pictures then we would all have the info to hand when needed.

lol... :bow: Thank you but in no way is this the "Next Big Thing" I took some pics and will post them when i can (i'm at work at the moment) but alas will have to modify it slightly as the sucker keeps letting go. I think its the angle i have the bottle on. But i can say it worked. I fed the baby corys some this avo. The only problem i have is the unhatched eggs sink to the bottom of the bottle. How do you avoid this? Am I not Leaving them long enough to hatch? Mind you i am experimenting with hatching and water / salt etc. Only ever tried those pre-made packs, just add water types.

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Alan Wakelin once told me that the easiest way to get the salt mix rite in the water is to use sea water :oops:

I use the same water time and time again, just rince the bottle in a bit of the water and put the rest in and top up

36 hours with a bubbler is best. I have one bottle warming and 3 others set up 12 hours apart so that I have BBS twice a day

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Sea water is the easiest if you can get it easily and I use to use it years ago. It is the best when using salt as a medication I have found. Now I make up 1 gallon jar at a time at 50 grams salt/1 litre water, and I always use it fresh and I use a heater in the coke bottle to make sur it is warm enough.

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I did grab a bottle of sea/river water to start the first bottle off, as per instructions, then hubby told me the river wasnt the best place to get it, Will go to the beach tomorrow as it was :o raining :o today. The second bottle i have in there i just tried adding rock salt until no more would dissolve ( read it on google) And they hatched in 12 hrs easy. I guess whatever works best for everyone.

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I collect 2 15 leter and 1 20 leter jerry tins so only go to get more every 2 or 3 months.

Dont forget that the BBS take 12 to 24 hours to hatch (from memory) and then another 12 to 24 hours to grow a mouth and the other end so during that time, the BBS is feeding on its egg sac so thats the best time to use them as food.

My fry are raised on BBS almost totally

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Dont forget that the BBS take 12 to 24 hours to hatch (from memory) and then another 12 to 24 hours to grow a mouth and the other end

AH HA! i think thats where i was going wrong a bit. Just hatching them then feeding them. I should let them 'grow' a bit 1st.

Plenty of time to get it right i guess........ Rome wasn't built in a day,... two maybe....

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If you were to start off tomorrow morning you would need say

Monday morning 1 bottle of warm sea water add the eggs

Monday evening 1 bottle of warm seawater add eggs

Tuesday morning 1 bottle of warm sea water add eggs

tuesday evening 1 bottle of warm sea water add eggs syphon the first bottle (the one you started with on monday morning) out through a sive or an old sheet/pillowslip

and so the cycle goes. The bottle you syphon out can now be filled ready to put more eggs in the wednesday morning after warming up for 12 hours

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The sooner you feed them after they hatch the better the food value because the are feeding on the yolk sac from the hatch time. You can tell when they have hatched because the mix changes colour and if in doubt turn off the air and see how many are swimming around rather than floating.

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Yeah, alot of them were swimming but i found the eggs settled on the bottom of the bottle not floating to the top like the instructions usually say. In the end i just used a large syringe to suck them out then just rinsed them in fresh water. Also i think i put way too much eggs in to start with. :-?

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