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what seems to be the problem? help

philosophy king

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here is the story.

i finally sold my aro to Jim, Hans picked it up for him yesterday, he has also brought me his tiger fish. neither of us had a net. so we used a pillow case to capture the aro.

in the same afternoon, i went to Darrell's place to pick up his 3 discus. the discuses are a bit skinny other than that they were all healthy and sweet. Darrell advised me to feed them well.

unfortunately, they were looking very stressed after entering their new home. infact, one of them seems close to dying. other than my old discus, none of them are eating. my old discus is also less active and stressed than before. the tiger is not doing well either.

the PH seems to be fine sitting at 6.3-6.4. temperature normal, tank is of course fully cycled. oxygen is sufficient. i can understand that fishes tend to be stressful after transfers, but this is abnormal.

anyone have any knowledge of whats going on here? any obvious problem to you guys? is it because the pillow case we used contain some left over traces of washing powder? which is fatal? dont have any other clue, appreciate any advise. thanks :-?

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Dat will take some time to settle in.

Put some plants in the tank or at least some wood to break up the tank

Your tank looked a bit empty to be honest

Have you given them somewhere to hide yet?

yea, i did some reserch of my own, dats are generally shy, i havnt had time to go to a lfs to purchase plants/proper hiding place. any common custom made hidding place which i can create? i throw in a tea cup, but he doenst seems to like it, its 2 white and shiny.

any other ways to encourage him to come out?

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yea, i did some reserch of my own, dats are generally shy, i havnt had time to go to a lfs to purchase plants/proper hiding place. any common custom made hidding place which i can create? i throw in a tea cup, but he doenst seems to like it, its 2 white and shiny.

any other ways to encourage him to come out?

When they are not with their own species they are out and about more.

Is it still hiding in the corner?

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Yes, he is. was he previously like that? but i am sure he is healthy, or at least not sick. should i buy some guppies to encourage him? or just let it be?

No its was fine

It loved its terracotta tube

It should be happy as long as it could hide when it needed it

It probably feels exposed

Dont waste $ on feeders yet. Buy some tank decorations such as wood/tubes/hiding places

Is it eating yet?

Got msn?

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No its was fine

It loved its terracotta tube

It should be happy as long as it could hide when it needed it

It probably feels exposed

Dont waste $ on feeders yet. Buy some tank decorations such as wood/tubes/hiding places

Is it eating yet?

Got msn?

msn is [email protected] , n yea, it ate some shrimp meat yesterday, however he didnt when i offered somemore today. n yea, gonna get some proper decorations ASAP, use to have heaps, decent ones 2, e.g. big divers helmet, broken barrel etc etc, but all given away, thought i will never need them :-? :-? :-?

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