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Will they Cross-Breed? I need to know.


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I have a 40L tank filled with leopardfish,Im getting rid of some today and then will probably sell a few more, But what i am trying to do is to cut down on the amount of tanks for a while which means i cant have 1 tank for guppys and 1 for leopardfish. Can they be housed together without them breeding together? If they cant i will have to get rid of one species.

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Hi all.

Nature is a very wise parent, and the only way that they would cross is by artificial insemination.

All species have a certain "Type" of copulatory organ, designed so that natural crosses cant occur.

I'm not giving a lesson on the "Birds & Bees" but; if you look closely at the gonopodium of Guppy's and Leopards, the first difference you see is the length.

Secondly you will observe the "END"of the gonopodiums of both species; they are different.

The reason is so as that there can be no penetration of the other specie.

The angles of movement that the different gonopodiums have also stops them cross breeding; i.e: some species can only move their gonopodiums left, or right, while others can move it left, right and forward.

All those facts, and the fact that in nature the species dont meet in the wild stops normal cross breeding.

It can only be done artificially and then there is the possibility of genetic deformities.

Good luck in the laboratory.


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I know someone that is adament that their swordtails cross breed with there guppies. There evidence is solely that some guppy fry develop swordtails.

I can't convince them that it is not the case. I even said to them "If guppies and swordtails can cross-breed then humans and monkeys could too, it's the same thing. And if monkeys and humans could cross-breed then maybe some un-name famous person would have some questions to answer to.'

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The cross between "MAN & MONKEYS" could be called politicians.

I don't think so. Monkeys work for peanuts and politicians work for 6 figure incomes. So unless working for peanuts is a weak gene and didn't carry over in the cross breeding....

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