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Photobucket question?


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Go to Photobucket.

> log in

> click on Options which is in the centre above the 3 Upload lines in the box that is mid screen.

> chose max size 640x480 which is the 4th line down in the next box that appears on the centre of the screen

>Click the blue Save tab at the bottom of said box

You are now set to go.

It doesn't really matter if you resize the image before you upload it. The only thing you will save is the time it takes to upload your images.

You can also resize them in Paint if you have no other photo program. But if you have a digital camera if ought to have some with its own software program that you can change all the photo's.


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New settings on Photobucket allow you to edit images i.e. sizing, cropping and even some more advanced features that you might find on Picasa like red eye reduction etc.

Above each image there are a number of options you can select, click edit and it opens the image editor. Though I just tried it for the first time and I reckon it takes a bit of time to load :-?

There are some really cool effects to play around with, I'm impressed. :D

No wonder it takes so long to load though (Esp with NZ broadband speeds :evil: )

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I resize my images to 500kbs for photobucket which seems to be about 500X350 at 72 Dpi. This seems to make it quick and easy and is workable for others like me who are forced into the dark ages by telecom. Even though I can see the centre of the biggest city in the country by line of site., telecom NZ are too lousy to enable my exchange with broadband. Please tell me you have broadband where you are Caper!.

Although I do seem to remember 'Rogers' seem to be a bit of a monopoly itself.

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