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Brine Shrimp Hatch 'N' Feeder


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The idea is great but I have to say the revue that ryanjury put up, as to bits falling off is true.


If you breed your betta successfully the hatch and feeder will not supply enough bbs for your fry past the first week or 2 on bbs, you will have to switch to bottle hatching to get enough.

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In my experience baby fish do better on live brine shrimp nuplii than decap. I have used both and use decap as a reserve but fish are more likely to snap at something moving and it is a lot easier to overfeed and have rotting food left with decap. It depends a lot on the type of fish. Decap would be good for bottom feeding scavengers like cories in a bare tank. You pays your money and takes your pick but I would be feeding fighters green water, live brine shrimp nuplii and microworm, then grindals. And I would be feeding the hell out of them along with daily removal of detritus and heaps of water changes. The important time with fighters is the first few weeks. Chat up your nursing friends and score an ex saline drip setup (without the needle) and use that to provide a continuous supply of green water to begin with. Use a pilot light at night just to make sure they are feeding 24/7. Grow the males until they are as good as the imported ones and you are on your way to becoming a betta breeder (scuz the pun)

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Yup, at 2 weeks your fry will be ready to switch from green water to decap, which slowly sinks and the fry find it very easily every time and will soon be constantly prowling the bottom of their home looking for leftovers anyways so the decap works just fine for them. As alan mentioned the first few weeks are the most important and you'll want to make sure you clean the bottom of the container daily. In my opinion decap fouls the water MUCH less than dying artemia and leftovers can be cleaned very easily by adding a small snail to each container but this isn't neccessary. Try a little decap and try some live BBS and you'll find you get the same results but with a LOT less work with the decap.

Good luck with the bettas!

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Hi All.

They are a gimmicky invention, made with the best of intentions but they are just another bit of useless rubbish. :wink:

I brought one and after two weeks actually threw it in the rubbish bin, and designed my own hatcheries because the brought unit just would not cope with 4 grams per day leave alone the 10grams a day that I need to hatch.

It's another case of


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