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Choosing discus


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I'm looking to buy some discus. I have never owned these fish before and I would like some advice on how to choose healthy and good looking fish. I would also like to buy discus in christchurch if possible.

There are three discus for sale on TM at the moment that I'm interested in. Same seller but different auctions. Am I allowed to put links to the auctions so people can give me their thoughts? One is blue turq 5-6cm, one red marlborough 4-5cm, one golden sunset 5-6cm long. I would be interested in getting all three together if possible. What would be a good price for these fish?


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The best advice i got was buy the biggest you can get from a reputable breeder, there is nothing worse than putting in the cash for some bad fish to have them die and not want to keep discus anymore.

Make sure you go for good shape (nice round forehead, fins in the right places, small eye (this means it isnt stunted) and nice and thick especially over the forehead) and if possible some poops. Also seeing them eat can be handy.

Discusguru in auckland is my personal pick for discus, some of the ones sold on TM by some people arent raised in the right conditions and determines how healthy they will be.

Good luck :)

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Try and make a trip to visit the breeder and see the tanks and fish before buying, so try and find a local breeder for your first discus experience so you can check out the setup and LEARN from them. Also, try not to get really cheap discus that are only 25 or 35mm long, it's too small and that's the main reason they die.

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yep what sharn said.

think its ok to post link to the auction if asking opinions on it.

mods please correct me if im wrong

good idea buying locally if you can, less stress on the fish, and the breeder should be able to give you advice on introducing them to your tank, and keeping them happy and healthy

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Thanks for the replies.

The person I was looking at buying off is not a breeder. It sounds like it would be best to buy discus off a breeder. Thanks for suggesting gazza Dixon1990, I will try him. Does anyone know of any other chch people breeding discus?

Anyway, these are the auctions I was thinking about. The auctions have closed but I've been sent fixed price offers.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =143809207

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =143803032

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =143194405

What do people think of these?



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Hi Michelle,

I have just recently acquired some discus after carefully choosing them.

The first discus' I bought from an LFS and in my excitement (and inexperience) did not notice that one had a short gill plate and another a kink in its tail/spine which made it swim slightly wonky. I had four other discus who were perfect, maybe one was slightly oval instead of circular.

The moral of my story is be very observant and don't be tempted by the low price. My criteria now for discus is they should display normal behaviour (no flashing, heavy breathing, lethargy etc maybe even ask to see them being fed to check their appetites), I examine them carefully for any faults (ie. short gills, bent tails or strangely shaped - oval etc.), I go for the medium to large size (6-7cm +) as I find less problems with them adapting to new tanks and I like to check that they have good colour or that you can see where/how the pattern/colour will develop. I have used this criteria and now have a new set of Discus that I am happy with.

The ones on TradeMe look ok to me but I would strongly advise you to see them before you commit to buying them and observe their behavious carefully. I think the Marlborough and Sunset have nice colour they are maybe a little oval shaped for my liking but that could be the camera angle. The blue Turq has quite a nice shape but I would want to see if he coloured up at all in person (he might be stressed in the photo).

As long as the Discus is healthy you should feel confident in buying it, the colour and shape etc. is down to personal opinion and what you find appealing. Good Luck! HTH :)

Mel :)

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Hi Michelle, I just had a look at the auctions you posted and my observations are that the eyes are disproportionate to the bodies, meaning all three discus have had growth stunted. It is very likely that they will never grow much larger than they are presently and therefore should be avoided as stunting causes complications which dramatically shorten the life of a discus.

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this year I have my first discus tank. I went to a well known and reputable breeder (its easier up here in Auckland). Unless you want to do heaps of water changes on the tank, pay a bit more and get bigger discus.

Allow about 50 litres of water per fish for stocking.

They are great fish.

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I was thinking the same things about those discus

I wouldnt be buying them

I always show people them feeding when I am selling them

Look for a nice high forehead and I have found when they are smaller they are nearly taller then they are long

Making them a nice high round fish

Nothing to bad just enough

I hate seeing them all stunted


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Wanted to say thanks to everyone for the great advice. I have decided to buy from a breeder and should be getting my first discus this week. :D I have been planning this for more than 6 months and have had the tank running for 4-5 months so I'm really looking forward to getting my new fish. Thanks again. :D

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