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photo's of planted discus tanks


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Thanks for your comments would be interested to see some others? Tank size is 1.200x.600x.500 360L, filter is a jebo 819, lights are weipro 4ft T5 with 4x 54w tubes (865 T5HO I think). Ferts are 40ml tetra florapride twice a week and feeding a mix of home made ox heart, blood worm and new life spectrum discus formula. No co2 at the moment not ready to go down that path. 50% water changes once a week.

Discus are two from Ron, I from Phil Collis and three Tony Tan discus.

Ryan I will try to put some pics of my all male african tank up when I get a chance and yes heard of the great chilumba debate and have had a look at what we have, it looks like we have got two lots of clearly different looking females 3 high body females and maybe 6 sleeker and darker looking females so who knows, might bounce the high body ones and keep the others and see what happen's I want the males for display anyway. I still have your other male if he is clean.

Thanks tropheus still would like to catch up with you when I am next in Auckland.

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Funny, CatBrat just started a whole new thread with his planted discus tank. Ah well, this is what mine used to look like last year. Just tore mine apart to fix a leak and pull out about 8L of Xmas Moss so can't put up anything recent.


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duplicate please remove...sorry thought it didn't post...always have trouble at noon time it seems...net must be busy!

Cheers to you all beautiful tanks :bow::bow::bow:

Andrew, the bottom of your tank looks like it is almost completely covered with plants. Do you still have to vacuum and if so, how?


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the ground plant is mostly hairgrass with some dwarf sag and glosso which is getting out grown and covered with hairgrass.

lighting is just 4x5ft fluro tubes from any placemakers, bunnings...etc nothing fancy....only thing i add to the tank is C02, the fish provides the rest of the fertilizers :lol:

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