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spawning fighters - quick question?


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My fighters look like they are trying to spawn?

They will half kind of wrap around each other but nothing happens, she doesnt release any eggs. She swam a wee while away after and about 3 eggs dropped out....She is HUGE, bursting at the seams kinda look!

She is going back to the nest every few seconds and they do the same thing?

Any ideas on whats goin on? :-?

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The spawning process isn't always as perfect as the websites describe.

With one of my last spawns, the couple just couldn't quite get the wrap right for a few hours, then eventually when they did wrap properly, there were no eggs. In fact, there were no eggs for about 3 hours of wrapping, then finally.... she started releasing and all went perfectly well.

With a spawn I tried a few days ago, she only wrapped a couple times, and not a single egg. Then she decided to release them without wrapping and got hungry so ate them :evil:

From what you've described, everything seems completely fine. Lots of going back and forth is normal, and don't expect eggs within the first wrap.

Good things take time :wink:

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My first attempt at breeding took hours, the second time it didnt look like she was dropping many eggs by the time they had done when he didnt want her anymore i thought there wasnting many but when they hatched there were over a hundred. Good luck with you breeding. :D

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She'll do that occasionally, but by the look of the size of here, she's got plenty more. Mine started doing that and released a good 50 or so by herself, then the following day she spawned a good 300+ eggs.

The male usually can tell which eggs are infertile/rotton and will eat them. My little guy seems to have excellent judgement at that, thankfully :) Hopefully yours does too

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