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Missing Species


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I think what jayci is trying to say is they are trying to track down some egyption mouthbrooders and they believe they maybe missing in NZ does anyone have any?

And if anyone else is trying to track down a fish that used to be around and someone might have they can post too..

I haven't seen egyption mouthbrooders for ages hopefully someone has some!

And I would like to see some Checkerboard cichlids Dicrossus filamentosus (Crenicara filamentosa) I used to keep them ages ago and haven't seen any around.. Heres some pics http://images.google.co.nz/images?hl=en ... ages&gbv=2

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Well Hopefully, if there is a missing species list, someone down the line can say,"hey I got that fish" or "I know someone with that fish" and it won't be missing anymore.

Thats the whole idea of the thread but noone has seen any of the ones identified so far.. David R if you want something thats on the list contact redwoods and they will try and get it, if you saw some in Napier why don't you own them already :) I cant help with either of those 2 don't think ive ever seen either :(

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David R if you want something thats on the list contact redwoods and they will try and get it, if you saw some in Napier why don't you own them already :)

A. they were for sale as part of a package with 3 huge dats, some other cichlids and a 6' tank.

B. Transporting two foot long fish from napier to auckland would have been a pain

C. the guy didn't want to separate, and transporting all that from napier was too much hard work, especially considering that I wasn't set up to keep them.

I'll try redwoods, do they deal with certain suppliers, or will they go where ever I tell them? Jeff Rapps has some wonderful fish that are on the list and I'd love to order some if enough people were keen to pay the money for quality fish.

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lol yeah the guy that came out to get my glofish was clueless was looking at all my tanks saying how clean they were and how cool my fish were didn't even bother looking in half of them no doubt he wouldn't have seen a RTC or a piranah or anything if I had one..

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