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Barrie got it right.


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I have posted and given eggs which got driven round the country but none hatched even when they had eyed up. Put them in water with a little meth blue but no good. Barrie sent me some ausrale gold eggs and so far this morning I have removed over a dozen fry. He put his in peat. I have hatched them before from peat and it does seem the way to go. Of course Wok would be the exception. He turned up with a coke bottle half full of water with eggs and I got a 100% hatch. I will try and return the favour by sending some eggs in peat and see if I can get it right finally.

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just put the albinos down this morning so should have those in the post on monday as well.

good to see they hatched, I think there were around 20 eggs but some may need a few more days.

The Albinos are almost impossible to see at the best of times so it will be interesting to see how you find them against the peat.

Whats next?

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I have had an unusual one appare with my male Australi Golds... The tail has quite a lot of brown but on this one its almost non existant.... a throw back to something or maybe just a mutations Im not sure but I will try to breed from it and see if I can breed brownless Golds

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Ive eard from Tim and he mentioned that AlanW's were apricot in colour so may be a bit different again... may pay to keep an eye on yours.

I plan on moving it from my "community" tank inside to the breeding tanks. He will replace his "ol man"

Will see what he throws

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