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borneo tiger itching


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borneo tigers, large, 1foot +

scratching itself on the gravel. sometimes twitches and seems like its kinda shuddering and shaking itself.

no doubt resulted from a amonia spike. no visible threads or fungus, none at all.

currently putting melafix in water

should i keep doing what im doing or just let the wtaer cycle and bacteria to populate filters and heal it self or melafix is the way?

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is it fatal?

or does it screw them up when they itch?

or is it just a symptom that isnt that serious?

melafix doesnt seem to do anything

its anoying, the pet shop pushed that


i have never had any thing like that ever

so you think i should stay away from melafix and just change water often. let them heal themselves and sort it out themselves?

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aged water is water that has been sitting for 24 hours or so, usually with an airstone in it to de-gas any chlorine in it (sorta the same as using water ager but i hate water ager) Also it gives you a chance to get it up to the correct temp before you put it in the tank.

I have a 200L barrel in my room beside the tanks and i just fill it up with the garden hose every week. It has a 300W heater in it, plus an airstone. I also have a powerhead in it, with a long hose attached to it, and i simply just pump the water into my tanks when i need it. Instant aged water, no shock to the fish, more chance of them healing/being in top shape

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jsut wondeirng

why would melafix cause damage

i am confused

its website guarantees it does not harm beneficial bacteria

its ingridients are consistent wiht encouranging growth etc

all pet shops recomend it.

i dont know how it could harm it

though, water changes sounds good and will definately do it

but melafix, in my view, theory really

should help at a minimum do not damage

sorry i just dont know why it could be bad

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no thats fair enough, but i know that others namely the Conch) has had trouble from it. It kills pencilfish (the conch and myself have both done it i believe :( )

Other than that, it cant be too bad, but personally i will never use it again. It seems to do nothing anyway :lol: There is no substitute for water changes, and when fish are sick, they should be done regularly

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