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anybody got a day gecko out there??


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thanks, i thought i read that leopard geckos are being breed in new zealand for the public and the off chance day geckos might be, my favourite reptile todate are chameleons, they are one of the most intelligent reptillian creatures i've had.maybe one day they will be available here but i doubt it

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Actually, that raises an interesting point. I can understand why the day geckos are zoo only- they have always been zoo.

What about the lady that donated her Leopard Tortoise male to Akl Zoo. She emigrated from Zimbabwe (former bread basket of Africa) in the 1960's and bought the animal with her legally.

Akl Zoo had some females that were seized i believe at Wellington, so they used the male to breed. There are now large numbers being bred and I beleive excess eggs are still being frozen.

Why are these animals not available to the public? They are large, tropical, herbiverous animals. Not as if they will outcompete any native reptiles or chase down and maul kiwis.

Stop smuggling- make animals that are kosher available to the trade!!!


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thats so true varanophile,also add to that gopher or texas tortoises that have been here and in private hands for yonks.I have a friend of over 50 who was given one for his 10th birthday.Taken to Ti point to attempt to breed and unfortunatly died there.Another I have heard was recently aquired by the hamilton zoo from an old lady who had her`s for years as well.Why did it go to Ti point?because they are now apparently a containment facility(zoo) species only,ei none in private collections???

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okay just curious if someone is sucessful and manages to import a animal legally or olegally and there animal breeds and they sell or give them away to the public what happens if you get caught with them?

say someone unknowingly advetizes them on tm? and why are some non harmfull animals breed in zoos and any excess not made avaliable to public? or at least registerd people just curious

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from what i remember only one sex will be for sale around $1700 nzd for a year or so.

its a shame the auckland zoo managed to kill all there chameleons, at one point they had over 50 babies, a few luckily went to leigh, ti point, the rest succunbed to the zoo's ill trained staff, the jacksons chameleon is most suited to auckland, cold climate tollerant. the zoo's given the responsibility to preserve and display/educate but there track record is pretty appalling

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i reckon some zoo's or zoo permitt keepers are just as bad and the registerd public breeders could do better in some cases not saying all zoo or permittt keepers are bad

Zookeepers and scientists are not as good as a hardcore hobbyist at keeping reptiles or frogs.

best thing for n.z native frogs and geckos/tuatara is to export to germany/us/japan. trust me those guys will breed them quickly- why?, because there is money to be made. DOC could be the exporter and the profit could be used to conserve tracts of land.

the hobby has a purpose in that it conserves species that are having a hard time in the wild. MAF and Erma and DOC need to wake up, their tactics at the moment result in smuggling, grey areas, dead animals and p.o'ed people.

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don`t worry fishboi,I hear they are getting some more soon.......from Ti Point???

Yea very soon, so i understand.

best thing for n.z native frogs and geckos/tuatara is to export to germany/us/japan.

There are native birds and reptiles overseas already. I dont know about the frogs but there are definately tuatara, kea etc that are bred overseas but as far as DOC species management is concerned, they dont exist.

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