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Breeding Leleupi


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hey guys

I just thought I'd share how i've started breeding these fish with good success.

First I bought a couple of juveniles a while ago (thanks Andrew) and then some additional adults (thanks Ryan) and as they reached around 6cm a pair bonded and they would keep spawning , but I'd never see any babies. So I put them in a three foot by themselves

and a week later they spawned in the flower pot. But once again the parents ate the eggs.

So the next time they spawned, I took the eggs away from them and hatched them myself with an airstone in a bare bottom tank and in a couple of days they were wrigglers. A day or two later they were free swimming and were eating brine shrimp very eagerly. Around a month later they reached 8mm (slow growers) and were enjoying newley free swimming jewel cichlid fry (easily bred live food).

From then on I put them in a two foot tank with fine sand and some coral and in a couple of days their colour changed from a plane brownish to an intense yellow.

Only a handfull have made it in the tank with the adults, breeding naturally. So now every third or so time the pair spawn I just repeat the proccess and now I have hundreds of the little buggers from 3mm to 4cm.

here are some pics

parents spawning



newly hatched fry


Free swimming fry one week old


4cm juveniles around 4 months old




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I think he meant 8mm :)

Im glad you got them breeding the ones you got off me showed no signs at all.. But I think I might have had 5 of the same sex, I might have to get some more back off you at some stage, did you ever manage to find any of the orange/red ones?

Yea the ones i got off you were all males and out of the ones I got off Andrew I only got one female, and yea I managed to find somebody breeding the Orange ones.


they should start breeding by aroung a year and a half old.

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