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Bristlenose with POP-EYE


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I notice over the weekend, my largest male "common" bristlnose who I have had for some time, looks as if his eyes are popping out around his nose (if he had one) area looks puffy/swollen, although there is no signs of foul play in the tank.

He is acting funny, like laying on top of the filter (out in air) has not lost colour though. Swims rapidly around (very uncommon for him)

Its also as if he is now blind to ask a net does not bother him.

Will try get a photo up tomorrow as ive learnt how to do it now :roll:

But what does this sound like to you?


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Have done around 30% water change so maybe ill see how it goes in the next few days then.

I got 4 Kribensis in the weekend who were living with Bristlenoses, so i'm sure it wasn't them. So I am stumped to what happend, Bristlenose has his own hidey hole were he spend 99.99999% of his time.

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Something might have startled him and he whacked heavily into something, doing the damage you see.

Pop eyes on their own suggests an internal infection but the other with it makes me lean more towards injury.

Keep a close eye on the injured area for signs of secondary infection (ie fungus)

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There is a disease called popeye (exophthalmia) cos that is one of the symptoms. A result of bacterial infection. A pic will help us try to work out whether this is the case or if it is injury. Do not go using meds in a tank until you know what the disease (if any) is.

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It certainly looks odd. Is it otherwise still behaving normally and eating well? If so, I would be inclined to leave it alone. Wonder if it has an abscessed tooth? It looks like there is swelling below the eye as well which would explain the popeye effect so I am inclined to think it has an infection of some kind :-?

I'm afraid I know little about the various meds available so can't help with suggestions of what to use. :cry:

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Did that look like dropsy to anyone but me? Looked like the scales were standing up some? (But then I'm not all that familiar with BN's yet)

It didn't look like it to me, but if it was then there wasn't much that could have been done - it usually means a vital organ has already failed.

Here's some shots Caryl took - you can see that the scales really stick out like a pinecone






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oh yuck.. yes thanks for the pictures :x

for some reason.. dropsy really really REALLY grosses me out.

I think it has something to do with having a very large goldfish with dropsy in a pond and not having a net.. so I caught it with my hands to get it out and make sure it didn't die in there...

I'll never forget it unfortunately (and never do it again!! it was a disgusting sensation)

But I thought the scales on the BN looked too well defined but I guess that's normal for them? I'll work it out eventually anyway.. I just bought 2 teeny ones for my tank on sunday :P but they're too small to see how defined their scales are for now.

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