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Were is the best marine shop?


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Which shop supplies the best marine fish/coral? Just wondering were everyone shops and who has the best looking display tanks.

My favourites are a couple of small shops which most hobbyist probably aren’t aware of.

Massey pets in Auckland are a very small shop and has 4 marine tanks, which always look very good and clean.

NORTHLAND aquarium has a very nice shop. The tanks look very nice and clean and the stock looks really good.

ORGANSIM IN CHRISTCHURCH has a very small marine section, but I have heard that they have very nice clean looking tanks and maintain them very well

What would hobbyist like to see in the marine stores?

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mmmmmmmmm. good job yr not asking 4 the worst looking :wink:

as 4 what i'd like to see..............more reasonable priced stock in AUCKLAND, I hear stuff is far cheaper in the south island which doesnt make sense! If anyone wants to argue with that please put up some prices and as i've nothing better to do i'll shop around to compare.

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the prices in south island is cheaper as some of the shops bring in there own stock.

However when you see some of there cheap stock i think you will be happy to pay more.

Most stores dont spend the money on filtration so they cant hold on to their stock for very long, so they have to charge more to cover all the deaths.

I think prices are not that bad as they have come down. when i look on the internet our pricing in NZ is not that bad.

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Reef is right, the stores in Christchurch bring in their own stock, so not having several people in the queue getting paid.

As for the quality of stock, I have been to and brought stock from Redwoods (chch), Petworld (chch), Northland (Whangeraie?), Jansens (Auck) and Holywoods (Auck). Northland is good and Richard is a nice bloke, Jansens.

Most stores dont spend the money on filtration so they cant hold on to their stock for very long, so they have to charge more to cover all the deaths.

Not much truth to that I don't think Reef.

However when you see some of there cheap stock i think you will be happy to pay more.

Not sure if this is true either...

The stock all comes from the same place (the ocean :), some imports are good, some are bad, shipments vary, markups don't.

Clownfish in Christchurch $35.00, Clownfish in Auckland $70.00. Why? 100% markup. Yellow Tang in Christchurch $130.00, Yellow Tank is Auckland $190.00. etc etc etc.

I have seen the stock in Hollywoods, and personally I don't think I would EVER pruchase from them, I think they are rogues and the 'quality' of their stock is often apauling.

Jansens are by far the most expensive, but the staff seem pretty good (better than most), their tanks are at least clean.

Petworld, maybee the dodgest, Eddie was a complete rip-off mirchant, however everthing I have brought from him is still alive!

Northland is pretty good, shame its so far away. Richard is fairly genuine and honest, is doing his best to support marines is the smallest of cities, and his tanks all looked about as good as anywhere else. Prices were 'fair' (thats between Auckland and Chch prices).

I buy my equipment through wholesale or internet only from now, I REFUSE to give any of my money to the retailers (or as little as possilbe). I buy my live stock through members of the Auckland Reef Club who have always been good enough to find me livestock at reasonable prices and in good condition.

What I would like to see in a shop? Fair prices (not the 100% - 200% over wholesale prices they currently use), clean fish tanks. Jansens in 3 Kings is a pretty good shop, its just that the prices are about twice as expensive as they should be.

I would like to see someone open a pet store, but sell at wholesale prices. Imagine how much more people would buy, and how many others would get into this hobbie if Brooklands sold direct to the public. Ehiem pumps and filters would be less than half the price they are now. A yellow tang would cost you less than $90.00. You could buy coral for under $50ea. WOW!



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I dunno if I'd call NZ prices not that bad compared to prices on the internet. I've seen a lot of livestock even compared to the cheaper christchurch prices that are 700% more than in the US. Though, 300% more seems to be the most common(And yes I AM adjusting for exchange rate)

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Clownfish in Christchurch $35.00, Clownfish in Auckland $70.00. Why? 100% markup. Yellow Tang in Christchurch $130.00, Yellow Tank is Auckland $190.00. etc etc etc TOTALLY agree Pies that was my exact point. By the way trademe has a pet shop for sale in west Auck. anyone keen????????????

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wont work if as importer opened a shop as when you buy stock overseas your buying power is reduced as you wont be able to sell 20 plus boxes of stock.

most suppliers wont supply you unless you have a min order.

prices will never come down as most of the cost is not purchasing the stock, but airfreight,maf cost.

so expect prices to go up shorly with the US dollar getting stronger.

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I don't see why a store that imports and retails can't also wholesale anyway? The importer could sell the stock for slightly more, as it would still appear cheap to people who are used to paying retail in Auckland, EVERYONE WINS! (except the current retailers who have had it to easy for to long...).

My friend Cliff in Invercargil started his own quarantine and imported his own stock to populate his 2 tanks as it was cheaper than stocking the tanks retail, even after all of the drama of dealing with maf/customs etc.

Maybee that is what we should do, build a 'conglomerate' of reefkeeprs, import our own live stock, then sell the excess off on the Internet? hrmmmm maybee i'll look into this, I will have a 7 footer to stock very soon.

Maybee we could even charge access to it, say as part of being a reef club member you get the right to order stuff at 'cost' for an anual fee or similar?

Food for thought, not that expensive to setup the quarantine etc.


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Years ago there was an importer in Auck that had two retail outlets.

Hollywood and Ellerslie.

The other shops soon brought him into line by not dealing with him.

But he had done what he wanted to.

Developed a target base.

Reminds you of the petrol conglommerates at all???

Soon be up to $1.50, and the price fell last night by a whole dollar,

did the pump price come down? Don't think so.

Now to go and look at Trade Me and check out that shop.


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i think he means, no other shop would purchase any livestock from him as a importer as he could always undercut them when he sold it in his own store.

if a shop in auckland was going to start to bring in corals, then they will have a real problem getting freshwater stock as brooklands and other importers who bring in freshwater will not supply them as it is conflicting with the marine stock.

It all sounds easy to just set up and bring in stock, however when you start to do it as a business full time you will be lucky to survive. as you have to earn enough to eat.

The only way it would work is if you sold it in bulk.

Most stores dont have the expertise to set up a importing sation anyway.

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:D i actually was thinking of getting some guys together and opening a shop for marines as people in auckland are getting into fish in a big way hollywood have some but i am more impressed with jansens setup in Mt eden the potenial is there
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Pies, both shops / importers in chch also wholesale. The difference being that they only wholesale to shops which are not in chch. This way they can offer slightly cheaper prices in chch through their shop, and yet still shift all their stock quickly by wholesaleing out of town.

From a chch perspective, Petworld was dodgey, but brought in some different stuff (clams etc). Redwood usually has good fish, but in my opinion is not up with the play in current reef keeping methodologies (neither is Petworld for that matter), usually only see soft corals, and more recently LPS, but i don't think they have any plans to bring in SPS. I've asked, but after 6 months, they still haven't got any.

Petworld appears to no longer be bringing in regular shipments.

Organism, is very small, but in general has the most well maintained tanks out of all of them.

Just a not on the clownfish, I got my pair maybe 3 years ago from petworld for $25 each, up until a year ago they were still around this price, then they jumped up to around $70 now (even down here), but they look to be captive bred, as they are very small. So maybe that's the difference captive bred vs. wild caught.


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That's exactly how it worked reef.

He could sell so much thru his shops but when the other shops got together he was zapped.

Talk about sneaky. He was shut down by MAF for illegally importing corals and such.

He was also the one that brought in piranah and those bitterling, similar fish to the ones that I bred, as well as others.


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Caryl, I was aware of that, unfortunately they have had a string of misfortune since then as well, all within a short space of time. It has obviously, and understandably taken it's toll on the family, so I am not surprised that they have taken a break, as importing is very time consuming, especially marines.


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