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??? They are on the list and always have been

Ricordea florida

Ricordea fungiforme

Ricordea neglecta

Ricordea rupicola

Ricordea yuma

Just hard to get.

Also very expensive as you only get 1 mushroom on a rock which is to expensive for the new zealand market.

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are those pics from your tank, stock you have imported or are they just random ones from the net?

All pics from my tank.

Is it classed as a rose BTA or something else?

Its is part of the Entacmaea quadricolor family which is the same as a rose anemoe,.

However this is not a rose colour but pink/orange

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I have another question regarding your photos.

Do you have any advice on taking photos? What time of day - sunlight glare? Lighting on the tank - all lights on?

Do you use the macro funtion much? or is it possible to just take cut and zoom in on a specific coral later

Cheers for any help.

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Do you have any advice on taking photos? What time of day - sunlight glare? Lighting on the tank - all lights on?

Do you use the macro funtion much? or is it possible to just take cut and zoom in on a specific coral later

When taking photos best to close curtains as you don’t want sunlight.

I don’t use a flash or if i have to you take the photos side on so the light does not flash back. Generally if you have metal halides on your tank you don’t use a flash.

Turn floro lights off as they seem to distort the photos, i get better pics using only metal halides.

I cut & crop the photos 90% of the time , also to get one good photo i have to take about 10.

Still learning everyday as so much to learn about taking photos, With my camera i try to use manual as i can adjust the white balance and other settings to suit,

Its hard taking photo of tanks as metal halides cause problems for the camera,

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