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Tank Size and safety


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I have a tank measuring 35cmX100cmXheight95cm. It's a narrow tall tank....it has braces on top and it's made out of I think 6-7mm glass from a couple old ranch sliders. I have had it filled up for a few days (3/4 full) in the garage and it doesn't leak but I would like to know if there is any chance of it bursting over time? I believe the deeper the tank the stronger the tank has to be. What do you more knwledgeable members think?

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If the tank is truly made out of only 6mm glass it will break if you fill it up any more. At 3/4 full its amazing it hasn't broken already.

A commercial (public) tank this size would use glass 20mm thick. You could probably get away with 15mm for a home tank.

Go to the articles section of the site and look up the glass thickness calculator. It will help you work out what glass you should use and give you safety factors on existing tanks.

I'd empty the tank and take it to bits. You could remake it at 500mm tall and it would be ok, but at 950mm it will definitely break. If you don't believe me, just fill it right up, I can guarantee it will break before it's full.

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Thanks warren for that information....is there anyway I add more glass like plywood to make the tank stronger?? It might sound like a stupid question but please bear with me I am new to all this?? So my question is could I laminate another piece of glass to make the tank work? Thank you in advance

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Learn from your mistakes.

Information isn't given here without some experiance.


I just lost a tank I had for years.

Finally gave up under the strain.

1.2x.600x.600, thickness of glass, 6mm.

The fault of too thin glass, was the front exploding, not just cracking.

Glad I wasn't there.

Result, a complete empting of tank in record time.

Complete loss of all fish.

A big clean-up job.

Contemplating using the remains as a pladorium, (is that what it's called?)

Shallow water with emmersed plants in higher part of the remains of the tank.


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let's get this right, or am I reading it wromg.

The tank you propose will be

100cm long

30cm wide

60cm high

If this is correct and made of 6mm glass.

Then Warren, flick me if I'm wrong, but that will be the same stress as I had on my 1.2 x .6 x .6 x 6mm, that I had such tragic results with.

Me thinks you are still too tall.

Look nice with 100 male guppies but a touch risky.


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