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Do i clean the whole tank??


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we have a tank 16 cm high,30 cm roundZ(its a round little tank.We have 2 goldfish in it and a filtre.every month or so we put the fish in a bowl and clean the whole tank,water pebbles and ornaments.we use chlorine water to fill the tank up but put a few drops of this blue stuff that says it dissolves the chlorine.they have been living for 2 years with the same routine so must be doing something right.is there any thing that i should stop or start doing?any comments apprecaited!!!

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if you are rinsing out the filer (the wool, or the filter pad etc) make sure you do it in the tank water rather than under the tap... otherwise you'll knock off all the good bacteria etc.

You could clean the gunk off the top of the gravel with a siphon but you probably don't need to fully clean it unless there is a huge buildup of waste.

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i have a filter that just blows air bubbles in the tank doesnt clean up all the yucky things .should i clean it?(its just a small thin,holow tube of plastic that gets very slimy after a month or two).we clean everything (water pebbles and filter plus slimy ornaments)because when you move the water round in a small whirrlpool motion poos and alge fly everywhere im guessing they sit in the bottom of the tank with the pebbles.should i still clean the whole tank???

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