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What fish are more hardy???


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Convicts are nearly indestructible. I had one live for a months on an unheadted, unfiltered tank I had in full sun on a north facing deck in late summer/autumn. He thrived, despite the regular 95% water changes straight from the hose and very irregular feeding, and grew into a fat chunky male with a nice hump on his forehead. Eventually I decided he was too nice a fish to leave outside and brought him in.

If you want a fun, newbie-proof fish then you can't go past them.

Oh, and he started out as a 1cm feeder in a tank with a black arowana, oscars, jag, and fire eel!

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All of those fish are fairly hardy and suitable for a new tank. Like was said in the other threads, start with just a few and they will be OK.

The catfish you are talking about is a Pleco (Loricariidae) catfish. Just be aware that there are many different species. The best one for smaller tanks is the Bristlenose pleco. They are hardy and dont grow too big, (about 12cm max).

Many of the other cute little plecos in the shops will end up 30cm or MORE long. I have several that are 20cm and still growing ;)



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If you're still looking for fist fish to start cycling your tank, then I would suggest the guppies. They are about as unfussy as fish get (apart from the miracle-convict mentioned earlier) and cheap. They won't take up too much room in the tank so it's also easy to add to them in future. start with a few, depending on the size of the tank and see how they go before adding more fish.

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Convicts have stripes for a reason, they are villanous.Hardy yes, but at the expense of other fish. A lot of people have been experiencing problems with guppies. Angel fish are very hardy and good in community tanks as long as their are no small fish to fit in their mouths. Kribs are very hardy. Corry's are hardy. Tiger barbs are hardy but will nip fins . A good website to visit to gather info would be " Age of Aquariums."

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