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New fish


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So you could say im procrastinating from doing uni work right now by telling you all this!!! Naughty me.

Some of you know that me and my nick had huge monster tanks just over a year ago but when moving in togeather we where forced to part with our two largest tanks. The only oddballs we kept where the delhezi bicher and my BGK.. oh and the pandon buterfly ( i allways forget him). Both have grown quite large and we soon had the problem of having no other fish in the tank not bite size. So we got some discus :) and its been over 6 months now and they are all happy and getting very fat.

WE started tossing up the idea of geting more fish for the tank wen we saw on trade me the sale of our old tank with the borneo we sold the year previously. We offred to buy him bak but he was not for sale.

This is the exciting bit!

We have now got a little itty bitty borneo :) I cant get over how small he is but he will grow eventualy and is thankfully easy to feed as he eats discus food :).

Next on our list is an ornate bicher. We would love to get our hands on a large one but thats not looking possible so i think we will be forced to grow one out in my tetra tank - tetras for dinna yum yum.

so pretty exciting time in my house fish wise.

Also do any one elce have a delhezi?? I currently dont know of anyone in nz with one

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Borneos are sooo cute when they are little, with those big eyes that just say 'buy me'.

Good luck with your hunt for an ornate, I think quite a few came in mid last year, but they would still be pretty small if anyone was wanting to on sell one.

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to my knowledge there has not been delhezi come into nz, or not in recently. so you are lucky.

ornate, is the common, senegalus also. and the albino senegalus.

HFF in albany has 3 ornates! small too!

you should get them.

please post a pick of the delhezi:D

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Hollywood got a shipment of bichirs about 3 years ago, palmas, senegal and delhezi. This was the first time I'd ever seen small ones offered for sale here. Delhezi is on the list and I'd happily grab 3-6 if more came in....

Good to hear about the new purchases, post up some pics, I want to see the del!!

Oh, and did someone say ornates and tetras....



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Henward look at where i work :). I wont be paying full price from hff since i can get one from work.

David i saw the pics of your fattie lol thats brillent. I hope he injoyed his feast!

Will do my best to get pics - im very bad at taking them and my photograpger of a mum is not much better.

You are welcome to come visit him in the flesh.

My bf nick was the one who got me in to monster fish and since he was young he had allways wanted bichers and an aro and a royal knife.

Getting a sliver aro was pretty easy and albino senegalus came in every so offten so we slowely built up our clan of huge fish. It was by chance that we where in hollywood when that shipment david mentioned came in and we nabed the Del. Belive it or not we had our hearts set on an ornate.

the bichers being so small we were forced to set up another tank and grow them out :). But the main tank had a sliver aro, huge fire eel, royal knife and redspot plec. Hollywood contacted us when a full sized borneo came in and we added him aswell.

And then hollywood conted us again when the jardini came in and we had to set up another tank :). We where hoping to get a black aro but this was even better.

It was 6 month - a year after this that we were forced to move from living in two houses to one and sadly the mega tv got the space a tank could of fitted in and we were forced to sell off our lovelys.

its exciting to be slowely re extablishing our fish. And im eyeing up a spot in the spare room that could easly fit a mega tank.

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How big is your delhezi now? The only other person I know who got one said his has grown really slowly. My palmas hit 8" in about a year or so, but his del is still tiny. It was one of the smaller ones (possibly a runt) but he picked it because it had the best colours.

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:) So would i!

But i got to keep my bed so he got to keep his tv, home theater and other electronical gadgets.

We have some albinos in at the moment. A nice size too. And real friendly things. Nick has said no :).

Robbert can you get some pics of the palmas?

Dels size.. umm will have to look in to that :) I have no clue. Big!

No i agree with your friend David. They do seem to grow very slowely compared to the others. THats one reason i asked if anyone elce had one. ours hes deffinatly taken a long time to grow. Also seems to be growing out not length wise. Fat little thing.

Feel free to pm me is any one want to come have a look.

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