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Dead Danio


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Today i was shocked when my danio died with out any signs, normally the other danios die with signs. It all of a sudden was swimming slower then the rest and on its side. There were no tattered fins, bloating or discolouring. Can any one help as to what may have caused its random death?

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He wasn't found by the masseuse surrounded by tranquilisers was he?

We are having a bit of a danio apocalypse at the moment (OK ... 3 ... not quite an apoccalypse .... ) so I send my sympathies. Ours are being munched though.

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He wasn't found by the masseuse surrounded by tranquilisers was he?

We are having a bit of a danio apocalypse at the moment (OK ... 3 ... not quite an apoccalypse .... ) so I send my sympathies. Ours are being munched though.

It's quite upsetting isn't it we have also lost 3 danios in the space of about 3-4 months

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Just dying without symptoms I normally put down to nitrite poisoning. Whenever its happened to me I do the test and find nitrite.

I find the bacteria that converts nitrite to nitrate to be the most sensitive out of the cycling process. Did you clean your filter recently, or was it switched off for a long period of time? or had it stalled from being clogged or anything like this?

Recommend getting a freshwater test kit ($50ish). They last forever and are a real lifesaver, because you actually know what your fish are swimming in. I do ammonia and nitrite tests whenever my fish aren't looking 100%.

Provided danios have enough space and aren't being bullied or sucked in to filter inlets they should live a very long time. They're one of the more hardier fish available and I used to use them for tank cycling.

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