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Hi my name is Owen and I'm an Addict


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Well Im from Hamilton my 3yo daughter got given a 2' empty tank for her birthday about 6 months ago and thats where it started, now I have added a 3' Planted community tank, I have a new 3' Cichlid tank arriving on Saturday and am currently putting together another 2x2' tanks.

I now have no disposable income left after I get my weekly fix from my dealer and I have run out of room in my games room.

Fortunately my wife is now hooked so my marriage is safe....for now... I have decided I really want an Arrowana...I thought I could keep off the hard stuff but now I'm not so sure :o *Sobs* Halp me :o

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Welcome Owen

You may rest assured that you are not the only one with this condition. There is even a name for it : Multiple Tank Syndrome or M.T.S for short.

There is NO cure.

Fortunately my wife is now hooked so my marriage is safe

this is a good thing or a bad thing......depends on how you look at it :lol:

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Well .... my 3yo daughter got given a 2' empty tank for her birthday about 6 months ago and thats where it started, now I have added a 3' Planted community tank, I have a new 3' Cichlid tank arriving on Saturday and am currently putting together another 2x2' tanks..........

I now have no disposable income left after I get my weekly fix from my dealer and I have run out of room in my games room.

Ha ha - That's pretty much what we did! We got a goldfish bowl six months ago and now have three tanks (one of which is a microscopic, teeny weeny, treatment tank) and the goldfish bowl is now in a drawer 'cos we are ashamed of it!!

Scary how it escalates isn't it? What really makes me laugh is that you feel compelled to buy a 40 buck filter and an air pump and a testing kit and lights .... all for a 5 Buck goldfish !!! Are we mad?

Both being in Hamilton I expect we have the same "dealer".

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