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2nd hand tank and fish


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i recently purchased a 2nd hand tank set up,complete with a few fish.A big pink angel fish,a plecostamus,a hatchet,a bristlenose catfish,a couple of neons and another one that looks like a female sword fish,unsure of what it is.The tank hadnt been to well cared for and was filthy.The filters were all gunked up so i gave it a good clean out and set it back up again and put a nice big piece of driftwood in that had come with it.Within a matter of a week the water was brown so i took out the driftwood and have since done a 50% water change once a week for 2 weeks.Its looking good now,and reading through the threads learnt that soaking the wood may help,so its in a bucket soaking for as long as it takes.The tank has no light,do i need one? There is a few live plants in there and i intend to get several more.I have heaps more questions but will save them for another thread! Thanks

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Hi ozzchick.

If I'm reading this right you've had your tank 3 weeks.

With a big clean out the beneficial bacteria may have been stripped from the filter and your tank will need to mature again. Keep up with the water changes and maybe increase the frequency. I do 25% every other day on maturing tanks. This will reduce the build up of Ammonia and then Nitrite. It can take 6 - 8 weeks for the bacteria to re-establish in the filter. A water test kit is handy to tell when its mature. After that you can do 30% water changes weekly.

The tank has no light,do i need one?

You'll get better plant growth with a light.

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Another thing you may want to note is that neons and hatchets are schooling fish. I'd personally say 4 would be the bare minimum, but it all depends on the fish's personality.

Just something to look out for as they may get stressed.

Swordtails are suppose to be schooling fish as well but all the one's I've had don't hang out together at all, usually just go there seperate ways.

I guess it just varies per fish.

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have just taken some cool photos of the angel,but unsure of how to post them here? I have every intention of getting more hatchets and neons,but i didnt want to risk putting new fish in till the tank is the way i want it,dont want dead fish! I also would LOVE to get a male siamese fighter,would that go in my tank well do you think?

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you guys are great!! so helpful.I already had photobucket :-)OK heres a couple of shots of the angel,another thing i was gonna ask is why is she patchy? She came like that,almost like shes lost her pearly scales.........



And heres one of the tank......


Sorted your pics..

You forgot the IMG tags...



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another thing i was gonna ask is why is she patchy? She came like that,almost like shes lost her pearly scales.........

I don't have experience with Angels but I'd say that the bad conditions that she was in wouldn't have helped. Now that she has a good home she might come right. Just keep up those water changes. :D

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will keep up with the water changing for sure,every 2 days.Would it be too soon to introduce some new fish to the tank? Sounds like im just going to have to just try with a fighter and see how it goes dalmation....... got the driftwood boiling as i type so will try putting it back in tomorrow when i do the water change

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Tank looks great considering you said it was filthy! Keep us updated on the angel fish to see if her appearance changes. I don't have angel fish but I too would think that maybe the filthy conditions had something to do with her appearance (maybe yes, maybe no).


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Thanks caper,will look much better with a few more fish and plants and a light! Had trouble getting the green off the silicone in the corners,but im guessing thats stained and will never come off.Thanks Bill for adjusting my photos,i didnt realise they werent showing up for everyone else,will make sure any photos have the IMG tag from now on :oops:

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