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fish for 5foot tank


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im getting a big fresh water tropical (since marine is to expensive lol )tank for my mums birthday for her and im just wondering what sort of fish people think i should put in i think bigger ones would be better but not sure also how should i go about cycling this tank


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google setting up a new tank or tank cycling etc... It will tell you lots.

How much experience have you or your mother had with fish? If not much then start off with the more hardy species of fish.

Also definitely get all the equipments you will need including test kits, they are very important, don't just assume everything is ok.

Very important to add fish slowly to the tank, so the bacteria in the filter will have enough time to grow without an overload which will cause an ammonia spike.

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she had fish when she was in ausy and had a tank here but all fish died recently because there was something on the bag the new fish came in so i want to get her a bigger tank for her birthday and she can use the old tank as a quarintine tank so this doesnt happen again :(

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With a five foot tank it does open up a lot of options with larger community type fish.

You can keep things like Bala sharks or tinfoil barbs. Gourmai, rainbowfish, larger tetras etc. Bottom dwellers like clown loachs and a pleco.

All are fairly common and hardy fish, sold in most pet shops, but really need the bigger size tank. Keep away from the neon and guppy size fish if you go with the bigger ones. They are fairly peacefull, but they grow big enough to 'accidently' swallow a neon. :-?

Cycling is just the same as any other tank. Actually it's generally easier because you start out with a couple of small fish in a HUGE tank.

A good way to jumpstart the cycle is to run the new filter in one of your existing tanks for a few weeks to establish some bacteria, then add it and the first fish together. Then just monitor the water conditions for a couple of weeks. With luck you wont even measure an ammonia spike. If it's all good add a few more fish each week over the next 6 weeks.

Just be remember that the fish I suggested might only be 3-5cm babys from the shop, but could grow to 20-30cm, so stock the tank with that in mind. You DONT want 10 or 20 adult Bala sharks, even in a 5ft tank, and one Sailfin Pleco is plenty for most tanks :wink:



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If you wanted to go for something a bit more exciting and colourful with a bit of personality you could try some of the larger africans.. Giraffes, dolphins and comp's commonly get to 15-20cm's (goto butterfly creek :)), most other africans max out at 15 cm's with some haps getting larger..

Or go for frontosa.. But thats big money and your tank isn't big enough for a grown colony (takes years for them to get that big..)

Really depends the colours you want, how much you have to spend, if you want it planted, what types of fish you have access too etc etc etc..

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I've spent the last few weeks on my new 1.5m tank and have decided on blue & gold rams, cardinal tetras, discus, corys and a couple of bristlenose. You could go something similar with angels and neons to help keep the costs down. I think a tank this size needs something big in it as well as schooling fish.

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