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URGENT!! help please


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Hi, we're new to the world of cichlids... and have two parrot cichlids... which we've had not quite one week. Where they have been quite active up until today... now one is sitting on the bottom of the tank and one is sitting near the surface. The one on the bottom is even being investigated by the other little cichlids...

Any ideas whats wrong? what do we do??

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how many fish have you got in your tank?

take some water to your lps and get your ammonia tested ASAP!

whats your ph then? If your ph is lower than 6.8 your fish should be safe until you get your water tested (thats if its ammonia)

KEEP FEEDING DOWN! best still dont feed today.

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thanks for the replies guys... spoke to some guys in the chat room last night so lots of help there...

have done two water changes.. pH was quite high... temp was possibly a big high also...

water changes have dropped ph a bit... there are no nitrates - got a kit today... temp is now a bit lower...

fish are looking healthier... yay! parrots now eating... jewel still not eating but actually swimming about a bit.. electric fellows still unaffected..

early days... but immediate crisis SEEMS over... phew...

thanks again!!!

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Good to hear no more losses overnight. You are going to have to decide which fish to keep though as the mix you have (according to what you said last night in chat) is not compatible. The electric yellows will be happier in the higher pH anyway.

Have you measured the pH of the tap water? Is it higher or lower than the tank water?

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you tank is going through a totally normal phase called the cycle :) it sounds like amonia has gona and now you are going into the nitrIte phase :) when nitrAte shows, your tank is cycled.

just keep up the water changes and you'll be fine :)

The electric yellows will be happier in the higher pH anyway.

I think the electric yellow will have been adjusted to normal PH at the LFS

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They may have adapted to the lower PH and will probably do just fine in it. But they will be better at the higher PH. Like a human can survive just fine wandering outside naked in 10-15°C weather. But you'll be a lot happier and more probably healthier around 25°C (And clothed :oops: )

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our tapwaters ph is very high...

we didn't actually lose any fish... were just worried we were going to

we were told at Wetpets that the fish would adjust to the ph levels not being optimum...

I'm sure the tanks pH will lower... our community tank was near the other end of the spectrum... so we put some more of that in there...

so if it was pH the water changes weren't going to help much... argghhhh so much to leam... :-)

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