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JKs tank - updated 20/10/09 - new pics


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yeah could be twisted val?

hey vigil - if ya want some just let me know. Got plenty in the tank that I can get rid of. Grows really fast so ya wont need much

the new chain loaches I got yesterday are real characters. They have taken to schooling with the danios and are very active.

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  • 8 months later...


I seem to go through phases with my addiction to this hobby. Cant decide to spend my time on rocks catching fishing or looking after the pet ones I have at home :-?

Anyway, been putting some effort back in to the tank again and gave it a bit of tidy up on the weekend (will post pics over the next day or so) and I am looking to add some new fish but not sure what.

Current stock is a pair of blue rams, 2 x GBA, 10 neons, 2 dwarf chain loachs and 6 glowlight danios.

In the past have had rainbows and giant danios as I quite like having a few fast swimmers in the tank. Also have had corys and have none at the moment so thought of getting 4-6 of those. But otherwise open to ideas of what may go well with these fish?



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thanks phoenix but ive actually got pretty sick of that val so have chopped out almost all of it. Have never had a plant grow so quickly as that stuff. Will post a more recent pic soon but does look a bit barren. Going to up the plants somewhere this weekend.

Yes have seen threadfin rainbows before but not for a while. Could be a good idea!

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  • 3 months later...

Another update as its been so long. Here is a pic I uploaded on another post re black backgrounds but will try take some more (and better) shots tonight or tomorrow.


No real changes to the habitants

2 x blue rams, 2 x GBA, 6 neons, 6 rummy nose, 2 dwarf chain loachs and 6 glowlight danios.

One of the GBA is getting a bit big for my liking so may be looking to offload to a good home at sometime soon.

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cheers Nick - got given it from my brother in law actually as he had an even more awesome peice of wood in his tank.

I'll need to trim back some of the longer algae up the top though, grows real well up by the light

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  • 1 month later...

Alrightly, looking to add some new fish but stumped for ideas.

Have given a way a few fish recently and current stock is:

2 x blue rams

2 x GBA but ones getting a bit bigger so may also been given away to a good home

2 x dwarf chain loaches

4 x glowlight dani

6 x rummy nose

Now I could add another 6 rummy nose to replace the neons I passed off but thinking there might be some other ideas. Have had dwarf rainbows before but they never seem to last more than 6-12 months so the wife has banned them lol. Possibly hatchets or some giant danios to get a bit more top water action?

Once the larer GBA goes I may add a 2-3 smaller corys or the like.

Anyone got any ideas on fish that may work well with current stock?



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  • 2 weeks later...

No new fish as yet but have got rid of my largest GBA to make space (and less poop :lol: ). Plus I have changed the powerhead feeding the hoodfilter and upped the flow from 450ltr/hr to 900ltr/hr. Hood seems to be handling it fine with no overflows and fish seem to like the added current.

Couple new pics added below



Next steps

= few new plants to get things looking a bit better

= new fish - 3-4 small corys - maybe juli or panda and possibly some giant or pearl danio or hatchets for some top water action

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I recon you should tilt the wood more to the front right hand side, then plant all of the ambulia behind it (it looks a lot better when its thicker, but i suck at taking photos of mine :( )

then plant some other plants on the left side :D,and any wendtii would look good in there :D

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Cool - thanks P44 - will look those 2 plants up and see what they are all about.

Yeah the GBA probably didnt need to go but the wife said it repulsed here lol. Plus I have very fine substrate and found it was leaving massive long snakey poops everywhere - easy to syphon i know but thought someone else may appreciate it more than 'we' did.

I think he also may have been the culprit for munching down my wee amazon sword. Have kept the smaller one though. Quite strange how different they were in size given I got them both about a year ago as very juvenile fish

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It is normally grown emersed down here when sold in the shops. You will increase your chances of survival if you put a few stalks in a glass of water on the window sill until it grows roots. If you want to do that see if you can get some as soon as it comes into the shop and before it has been submersed too long.

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