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skimmer sizes


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well im looking at upsizeing my skimmer because im feeding so much :o

the main problem is MY TANKS TO SMALL :(

i want a HOB skimmer and my tank is 30 cms deep most of the skimmers im looking at are 40 + cms deep

im looking at



size L 165mm W 175mm H 450mm (normal position)

(reef ill pm you tomorrow about size etc)

Module 350 Combo


size 35x43x8.5 cm

Prizm Deluxe


website dosnt say the size :evil:

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I have the MCE300 - you have to keep it really clean to work well all the time, which is a bugger, because mine has turned into a Mysis shrimp breeding facility - they have setup shop in the chamber that houses the pump, so I have to strip it down in situ to clean the other side.

Before they took up residence I would just pull the whole skimmer off the tank and chuck it in the bucket and pull it to bits and give it a scrub.

Watch out for the collection cup, it cracks easily if you let it roll off the bench and onto the floor! I stuck ours back together with chloroform and it is as good as new.

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It's only a suggestion because I don't know what your budget is, but a mce600 will also fit on your tank, and provide powerful skimming.

If you got this skimmer it would mean you could in future flick over to a bigger tank without having to get a new skimmer.

Cost more though, Christmas pressie perhaps? :D

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It's only a suggestion because I don't know what your budget is, but a mce600 will also fit on your tank, and provide powerful skimming.

If you got this skimmer it would mean you could in future flick over to a bigger tank without having to get a new skimmer.

Cost more though, Christmas pressie perhaps? :D

Coincidentally, I just sold my 600 to a guy who had/has a 300 - because he wanted MORE POWER! on his new tank.

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did you sell it to a person called HAZZARD conch

i dont think ill be upgradeing for a a few years

end of next year ill be finished school and be of to uni down in Dunedin and in a small student flat there wont be room for a big tank :(

ill be having a small tank with no fish olny corals and shrimp the thing i want to do is a 4 year course so no big tank for at least 5 years :(

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just measured my red sea prism deluxe and its 33cm (h) x 23cm (w). Can't really tell you much about them in terms of quality but the previous owners of my tank (400L) used to run it on there before they upgraded so it mustn' have been doing too bad a job should be fine for an 8L. I do wonder a bit about the quality of the plastic, mine has a slow seeping leak in one of the plastic seams and i think i remember fmxmatt saying he had one that leaked too?

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