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Flagtail Prochilodus - info


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red aros are very aggressive too

probably more so than jars? some would say anyways


You just keep telling yourself that, even tho 95% of aro keepers on MFK would probably disagree... :wink:

Just get some tinfoil barbs. They'll grow quicker, more robust, similar look, and a whole lot cheaper if your jar gets pissed off and kills them.

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I'm really just trying to talk you out of it because I nearly bought it on Sunday! :lol:

I'm just not sure if its worth the risk in my tank as sometimes they can develop a taste for bichirs slime coat and rasp them instead of the wood. Although, as you say they are rare and it shouldn't be hard to find another home for...

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i did not know they like to suck on bichirs..... indeed a rare one wiht a rare fetish..

yes, thats correct, jars can maul a rare one to a common one

i will make sure i watch it with care though, ill sacrifice my plants i dont mind

i was reading this article over seas and they had one in a heavily planted tank - pprently if fed very well, they wont eat plants.

but if not, they will eat algae, plants and stuff in the gravel and sand... interesting.

ill pobalby give it a go tommorow and buy two others with it. i just dont know what yet, but something fast swimming, maybe silver sharks or something. see how i go. if not, ill find a home for it in my set up with the discuss - i read a few articles that they make good tank mates with discuss fish and generally a good community tank.

oh, borneo tigers are good but i dont know where to get bigger ones

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ok, i have a self control problem

i bought two tinfoils for my jardinii tank

jar chased itfor 30 mins, and now it seems that it doesnt care for them anymore

too fast i think

but still observing, if they are ok, then i will put flagtail:D

nothing ventured nothing gained i guess


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