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Hi from Lyn


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Hi Everyone :D It is great to have found a NZ fish keeping group!!!!!.

I have a 140ltr tank and it has been running for about nine months now. I really have had my share of ups and downs with it, PH has been a big one and I am so looking forward to being an active member of this group and learning to provide my fish with top notch accomadations LOL

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Hi Alan, went to chat but @x is the only logged in member and they are not chatting LOL!!!!!.

Catbrat I have Angels, Neons, Mollys, Guppies, A catfish of some description (funny how as a nurse I have no trouble remebering generic names of drugs but give me some of the fish names and I am lost!!!!!!) Ahhhhh I also have two peculiar fish that look like kissing guoamies (spelling) but are very stumpy in the body, and a shark!!!!!!. Always thought that Guppies would be the easiest fish in the world to keep but I keep getting runs of white spot and fin rot with them......From reading the posts it sounds as though I am not doing the treatments for long enough. Only carriying them out for four days using the Malkon...........Oh yeah nearly forgot I also have a very unusual fish that looks soooooooo like a goldfish but is tropical sorry I have no idea what it is called.

Thanks for the welcome :D

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Hi again,

Nice bunch of fish there. Does this look like your strange fish? Its a Golden Barb.


What does your catfish look like, we may be able to help.

Oh, you get stars by posting on the site. the more posts the more stars.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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No this is not it, I am shocking when it comes to remembering the names of fish........It is a lovely coppery/bronze colour and about the shape of the Fantail goldfish, has a black spot at the begining of his tail area, most people who spot him ask me why I have a goldfish in with tropicals LOL..........Next time I go into the fishshop I will ask for the name of it again, My son Lucas loves it as we started out with Golfish and he misses his black fantails

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Hi Lyn, goldfish can take water warmth the same as tropicals, although it does shorten their life apparently.

Those kissers are prolly wot they call Balloon Kissing Gouramis.

Chat-room? We was there but there was a couple of footy games on too.

We are normally in there about 9.00 most evenings.


Post like heck, answer questions and ask them.

Guess the Name of the Fish, and try the Word Association.

All these help towards your stars.


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Well looks like Alan wins the chocolate fish......haha.........Tis a long finned Rosy Barb. Shaped very much like the blackmoore Goldfish.......there was only one, I would love a few of them in the tank though :)

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