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What shall I put in my new tank?


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I have aquired my self another tank off TM (as you do!). It is only little, about 60 litres at a guess and long and narrow rather than a rectangle shape like normal. Totally covered in lime scale which I'm slowly getting off.

It's a way off being ready for fish but I'm trying to deceide what I should put in it.

I already have 5 tanks but would like something a bit different maybe? I've only had tanks for not quite a year so am still new to it so also need something not to difficult.

I have most of the standard community fish already.

I was thinking maybe chiclids? Not sure if the tank would be big enough though.

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An aquarium like that might give you an opportunity to create more of a river type environment (something with a little more current). I have only been doing this for 6 months so I don't have a clue as to what kind of fish would be available for something like that but that is what I would research.

Just an idea, You don't really come across those sorts of dimentions very often so I would suggest you do some homework in that direction.

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Plenty of smaller cichlids that will be fine in that size tank.

The odd shape wont worry the fish, tanks are generally built taller because that way they look bigger to US, the fish dont care. In fact a shallower tank can be better becasue you have more surface and floor area, making the tank 'bigger' for the fish.

Kribensis would work fine in that size tank, and you can keep them with most other community fish too, unless you have a breeding pair :wink: They dont need any special water conditions etc.

Or you could set the tank up with crushed coral substrate to raise the hardenss and pH and keep some of the smaller African lake species. I'm not up on the exact species, but many of them only grow small as well. Check Foxgloves link for more info there.



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oh yeah, it does require work! :(

I've just spent three hours pottering with my cory tanks, separating some fry into two different sizes, collecting more eggs and doing water changes. Where does the time go?? :lol:

At least while you scrub you can be planning what will go in there... :)

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At least while you scrub you can be planning what will go in there... :)

That's all I've been thinking about for days!! And it's going to be at least another few weeks before I can even think about adding anything. I need to collect up a few more bits and peices, filter and heater, and get a lid made. So much for my bargin tank! :oops:

I think I'll use a few of my guppies to get the tank to cycle. It will be a good month (cycle going to plan) before I can get my permanent fish in there. Hopefully I would have made up my mind by then!

I do like the sound of the river idea as well...........

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