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Baking Soda ?


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also if you were to use it, how much do you need per litre?

Good read

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/w ... mistry.php

To raise KH and pH, add baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). A baseline recommendation is 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water (dissolve in a cup of aquarium water if adding directly to the tank). For an established aquarium, remember to take this slowly as fish are highly sensitive to pH changes

Not sure on the long winded explanation on kh in relation to ph so ill let someone else explain or quote from google

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It doesn't actually do much I used to use it buffer my tanks and mixed up baking soda and salt and started adding it with my water changes...

Now I just use the coral sand and argonite I think its like anything else just do it gradually and figure out how to make your water change water the same and you'll be fine :)

Are you aiming to increase your ph for africans or just because?

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If its stable at 7.5 I wouldn't stress all the tank bred africans in nz will happily adjust to that.. Unless your doing something specialized like tropheus or fronts but im sure even they will adjust and be happy..

If you did want to bump it up a bit find some limestone or coral sand and add a bit in a stocking or somehow..

Have you got fish yet?

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Alot of african keepers overseas use the baking soda and epsom salt method and it works well if measured out properly and right amounts added to water for tank water changes etc... beats those products on the shelf at lfs that are hideously expensive... I have heard mixed reviews over aragonite substrate... apparently the aragonite substrate can get a coating of grime etc (as all substrate does after a while) of which inhibits the buffering process, who knows, we use aragonite as tank substrate for most of the african tanks, looks nice too, however, crushed shell or coral in an external filter works well.

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