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The new 350L demasoni tank


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Finally got around to setting it up. Only filled it up late last week, and at the moment have got a few guppys in there just to make sure everything is fine. The plan is to then introduce my pair of brichardi, and two hoplos, then a couple weeks later introduce the 18 Demasoni. Plan is to have heaps of demasoni eventually (hoping for around 35 ish), and then only keep the two hoplos (because this is my largest tank and i want them to have the space - also so they can clean up the bottom a bit. I am also putting in my brichardi pair because i dont think they will get picked on in such a big tank, and because it means that i dont have to have another tank running just for them :D

I still want to put a bit more rock in, and i also have a couple swords to put in aswell. Theres a big stocking full of coral sand in the external filter which is keeping the pH steady at around 7.6 (which is what i want it at) I still need to get a big black piece of paper or cloth for the backing, and i also need to position the piece of wood with the java moss and java fern on it (the one in front of the rock in the middle) in some place better.


And incase some of you didn't see the last pictures i posted of the dems then heres a couple for ya



They have almost doubled in size since those photos though, the biggest ones pushing 3cm now! Can't wait to get them into the big tank!!!

Any criticism/comments/feedback etc would be great!

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Wow - neat! :bounce: :bounce:

I'm curious - what size is the tank (length/width stuff not litres)

and also why are you putting in plants with Rift lake Africans? I thought they wouldn't cope with the fish/pH. ?

I really like the idea of that many of demasoni - should be a great looking tank. Well done!


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Hey thanks!

Tank is 1300 x 450 x 600. Was specially made to fit a certain space for someone, then i bought it off them (thats why its 1300 long - odd length)

Plants are fine with some africans, but not with most of them. Demasoni are vegetarians, so may pick at them, but dont seem to do alot of damage too them. The tank they are in now has a tiger lotus and java moss and fern in it, and all the plants seem to survive absolutely fine. The water parameters aren't too different from your normal planted tank setup. pH is only about 7.6 which is pretty sweet for most plants. I haven't gone with any stem plants as they aren't quite as hardy as swords etc, but they may work


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Cool, thanks.

That is a nice size tank.

I had heard of using val but not the others - seems like it really is a question of research, research, then trial and error!

After my jungle-like planted tanks, I'm looking forward to a simple rock tank! :wink: :lol:

Keep us posted on how the fish settle and the tank develops! :bounce:

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Yeah a tank full of demasoni would be awesome im pretty happy with how my 12 look in with the other fish.. Have considered growing out a heap of babies lol but don't have the time/energy at the moment and have to cut back to one tank soonish.

Evil - the tanks looking good I bet you cant wait to get the fish in there!

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Dunno, probably off you, thats if you are still in the country at the time :lol: When are you going to timor? But yea, if you have some at the time then i will probably get them from you. As long as they aren't from the same batch they should be sweet breeding together, its just brothers and sisters that won't be good. Either way, if i get bad fry, i cull them :) easy as that.

Its going to have LOTS of dems haha.

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Im off half way through Jan.. My wife has made noises about maybe keeping the demasoni going while im over there, only time will tell on that one..

Im undecided on the whole inbreeding thing have done a bit of research and some have suggested that it makes no difference.... However my dominant male is a survivor from my first attempt at demasoni (brought 6 had him left) and is unrelated to the females.. And I have 2 unrelated females in the mix too one I can tell but the other who knows..

Imagine how many dem's you will have once they start breeding :o

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