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cage size for a pair of berdys?


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not many people you will find are able to keep them together for any length of time.My male cannot even be kept within sight of any females let alone in the same tank.I would say unless you are wanting to breed seriuosly just go for one,you can devote more time food etc to it.

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4 x 2 x 2 is reconemed as the min for 1 single, get a pair and you are looking at a lot more space, get a single thatl be the MIN once an adult, start of smaller then up grade with size, put a baby hatchling in that size and he may find it hard to find food, etc

thats my 2c worth

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not many people you will find are able to keep them together for any length of time.My male cannot even be kept within sight of any females let alone in the same tank.I would say unless you are wanting to breed seriuosly just go for one,you can devote more time food etc to it.

1 male, 1-2 females sweet as in tank 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. As long as you keep together at start and don't muck around taking out putting in etc. Male will always hassle female during breeding season- that's their job.

Male does have better fertility if kept in own tank and introduced during breeding season.

Only rule is not 2 males, unless you have large outdoor cage.

One dragon on own is sweet. but head bobbing, arm waving and activity level MUCH greater if you have 2. Male also colours up more.

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ive got a tank at the mo which ill use when i get a couple of berdys

only 3foot by 2foot wide

ill eventuly build a larger one ,just wondering what size would be good? needs to be big enough to house a male an female pair

what ya rekon

get an outdoor hutch cage to put them in for a few hours on sunny days- colour will be better. but make sure that no glass used and shade is provided or you will cook em.

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good call, u found out from experience too?

no luckily haven't had that experience,

found out from 40+ years of exotic animal and reptile keeping and learning all about an animal before i start keeping them

never house a pair of animals in seperate cages side by side unless they can't see or smell each other, breeding hormones take over

watched a program the other night of a guy with 2 male lions side by side and only one had a girlfriend, wasn't long before a male had damage from attacking the mesh between them

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