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guppy pregnancy?

Dog-eating Tetra

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If you have a female guppy, chances are it is pregnant. Very hard to find one that isn't :lol:

They can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks and can carry sperm for several months so don't need a male very often (lucky girls)

When about to drop the body will be very fat and you can often see the black dots of fry eyes through the belly of the fish. The gravid spot (where they come out) gets bigger and darker at this time (I imagine the fishy midwife saying "You are .5mm dilated dear, not long to go before you have to push!")

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k i will.

how do i best keep the fry safe? i have 2 bristlnoses, 2 other femal juvenile guppys, 2 male guppys 1 young and one more mature and 6 tetras(3 neon and 3 glowlight) in my comunity tank. i have another small tank available but it doesn't have and heaters, pumps or filters except 1 air pump. can someone please help me. i really want to keep these alive as will be my first. thanks

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