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Another bacterial bloom?


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Hiya, tank is 9 weeks old. Cycled fully - seeded from another tank that was cycled. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate constantly round 5-10. Has been that way for over two weeks. Am going through a milky water period, this is the second time. First time it cleared up okay and that was about a month ago, but was wondering what causes this. I could have been guilty of overfeeding, but not for the past two weeks as i pegged it back and then it started. fish are two angels, 1 dwarf gourami, 7 lemon tetras, 7 odessa's, 8 panda cats and 3 bristlenose in a 50 gallon filtered with fluval 205 and internal sponge filter for extra. Should i do more water changes, less (currently doing 30% every three days), lights on, off ( 2 x T5) any help much appreciated.

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What physical size is the tank? Gallons don't mean anything to me (plus I don't know if you are using imperial or US). Are we talking 1.2m x 38 x 45 or so? If so, I wonder if your filtration is enough.

I try not to do water changes over summer here as every time I do I get a white algal bloom. Don't have a problem any othre time except when the water table is low :-?

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You'll occasionally get milky water with a new tank that is stocked too quickly following cycling. If this is the case, it should settle on its own after a few days and you're as well leaving it alone so long as the fish don't seem to be suffering.

Test your water quality regularly and make sure there are no problems in that area. If there is free floating algae, get yourself a UV filter to add to the tank - perhaps replace your sponge filter with one with UV. Cheap ones for a 50 gallon tank cost as little as seventy or eighty bucks - I paid $72 for mine for a 45 gallon tank and have few algae problems even with sunlight hitting the tank in summer. Make sure you use a water ager before adding the water following a water change too.

As an afterthought - did you put fertiliser under your gravel? If there is an area where the fertiliser is leaking directly into the water, you'll sometimes see some funny discolouration. I know I get occasional clouds after a vigorous vacuuming if I have dug too much. If this is the case, just have a poke around and cover the leak and let the tank settle.

Good luck!

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Nothing much - don't ask me to explain the chemistry involved, but white water will happen after a new tank is stocked too quickly. I think it is part of the cycle becoming unbalanced and needing to settle in again. It may re-occur for a few weeks afterwards too. It generally clears up by itself as the tank settles in once again with the new load.

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tank physical size is 110 x 67 x 45 - it is a corner tank, bowfront, with literage of 190. The fish seem to be doing good, the odessa's are colouring nicely and everyone is swimming round, parameters are being tested every three days and there hasn't been a change in these at all. I wondered if it was a new tank thing as well, that's why we aren't putting in any chemicals, just thought we would ride it out. I did suggest getting a Fluval 305 to my husband but he looked at me funny. I might investigate that a little more. We also did have an issue about two weeks ago where the filter was very clogged - a polishing pad that had done a bit too much polishing so got some ammonia back, wondered if that might have sent it back to the bloom again.

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tank physical size is 110 x 67 x 45 - it is a corner tank, bowfront, with literage of 190. The fish seem to be doing good, the odessa's are colouring nicely and everyone is swimming round, parameters are being tested every three days and there hasn't been a change in these at all. I wondered if it was a new tank thing as well, that's why we aren't putting in any chemicals, just thought we would ride it out. I did suggest getting a Fluval 305 to my husband but he looked at me funny. I might investigate that a little more. We also did have an issue about two weeks ago where the filter was very clogged - a polishing pad that had done a bit too much polishing so got some ammonia back, wondered if that might have sent it back to the bloom again.

If the fish are happy and the water parameters are pretty good and stable, then it's probably just the new tank white water thing. It should clear in a few days.

As for filters, I use a small UV internal on top of an Eheim 2215 for a similar sized tank. As this combination works very well for my tank, I am happy to recommend it to anyone with a similar sized tank and stock level.

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It was JBL Fertiliser balls, but I think that just happened at the same time as the bacterial bloom, and it was only cos the calls started leeching that we really noticed the difference in the water colour. But that was over a month ago now and I don't think it has caused the problem this time round. I guess we'll just wait it out.

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Once they have become soft from being in the water a while and you disturb them they can make the water cloudy with fine particles but it will clear in a day or so. Have you done a heavy gravel vac or disturbed the media that might have released this? I have seen it happen in my tanks after uprooting plants or planting new ones.

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Them there ferltiliser balls are quite naughty for water colour changing.

Once the fish have dug up a couple (and they will) the water will have a brownish tint all the time regardless of water changes and cleaning.

Mind you, plants like them so they can't be all bad, and they don't seem to make any difference to water chemistry.

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Yeah we did another water test last night, and the params are still all good, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5-10. I'm going to start doing 10% each night or every second instead of the 30% every three days just to keep the water turning over, and then maybe a bigger one on the weekend.

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