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New tank, trouble with water, need help please


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Does anyone know anything about the tap water condition in Palmerston North area. I have just started a new tank and I am ready to give up already. I have one of those nitrosol pads ? in the water because my water had 'greebies' in it when it was tested at Animates. I feel sorry for the three little guppies which I purchased. They weren't cheap either....thats another question....when I get my tank in order (if I don't give up in the meantime! )are there any local breeders of livebearers in the Manawatu please. I used water ager and my ph was slightly too high so paid out for a tiny bit of driftwood from the shop to try and bring it down.(I know I can collect my own and boil it but I needed to do something urgent) Now where do I go from here.....The guppies still looking miserable up the top of the tank....the three of them all huddled in a corner. When I did a partial tank change this morning they started to swim around a bit but now they are back in the corner. I use to be so good at this...chairperson for the PN Aquarium Society....but haven't done it for years and forgotten so much and (sigh) things have changed so much.Can anyone help me, I am tired of spending money already and I havent got my fish yet!!!!

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Hi Evie. Welcome to the forum. :D

I don't know anything about PM water but I wouldn't worry about the pH too much.

How long has the tank been set up?How often are you doing water changes?

What were the 'greebies' that Animates test showed up? Did they tell you the Ammonia levels? Nitrite levels?

I'm thinking that your tank is cycling and with regular water changes things will come right.

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Thanks Mark for replying. My tank has only just been set up 3 days ago. It had high amnonia levels when tested. I probably should have waited before I got any fish but the tank looked good, it was clear, the plants are looking ok but not the fish!

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It sounds as if your tank is going through an ammonia spike...which is normal. Your filters haven't got a good population of bacteria yet. Its the bacteria in a mature tank that take care of ammonia and nitrites . Until then its up to you to control them with water changes.

The ammonia will continue to climb for a while and then the tank will experience a climb in Nitrites as the ammonia drops off....you should do 25% water changes every 2 or 3 days to keep the ammonia and Nitrite levels down.

I suggest an investment in a test kit. :D

You did nothing wrong by adding three fish....the fish waste produces the ammonia which feeds the bacteria.

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I don't know about palmy water, Bulls water is fine though!

I do know that there have been some crapy livebearers coming in off the wholesale list though, and one person in a store recently said he wouldn't buy any livebearers off the list because they were all dying so might be some indication..

If you want descent guppies pm Jewelz on here shes awesome and has some lovely neon blue guppies she will help you out with im sure, and someone sells snakeskins on trademe.

Good luck and if your calling through Bulls and want to say hi see some africans let me know :)

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Thanks everyone you have been so helpful. Its really hard when you are starting over and things have changed so much over time. I really appreciate you Palmy (and Bulls of course) people and all your info and a big thanks to Mark for helping me with this tank problem. Fish are still alive so heres hoping. I will keep you posted and I will keep Jewlelz in mind.

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It would be best actually if you got a test kit (although I know some people say not to bother). That would give you an indication of how high the ammonia/nitrite levels are and how much to dilute them to.

Although really, 3 guppies in a 60L you should be having alot of trouble cycling. What sort of filter have you got?

Maybe just 1 bucket a day would do. I think alot of people do small top ups without adding de-chlorinator but others don't risk it and add enough for the amount of new water they're adding. Others let the water air overnight instead with an airstone to dissipate some of the chlorine.

Maybe your guppies are just adjusting to their new environment though and will settle in a few days. When I fist got my fish in a new tank I had to peer through the doorway without going into the room if I wanted to watch them swim around! Otherwise s soon as they saw me they would hide!

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I had to laugh jn because I suspected that these could also be doing that sometimes, and maybe I just have to wait till they settle in a bit more, but I will do a bucket at a time. I'm not sure that I am game to use a hose and do 50% water but thanks to that person for the advice.

I cannot believe how helpful everyone has been. Its really great to know there are lots of willing people out there to support newcomers to this forum.

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HI Evie

I always put TLC and Stress Coat in every time I do a water change... to the amount of water added! (got that wrong the first time :oops: )but then I have about the worst water in the country so.....

TLC helps tank to cylce faster too.....at least that's what it says.... and has worked for me. When ever I thought fish looked stressed (levels high) then I'd do a small water change....

I had trouble when I first started out too.... hang in there it will get better and everyone here is REALLY helpful .... when things go wrong or just unsure on something..... ask away. You can always count on someone being able to help you out of trouble...

Best of Luck!!

And welcome to the site.

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Thanks Newfish, I wouldn't give up that easy, just felt like I could at the time. Actually the 3 little female guppies have all been swimming around the tank in the last ten minutes or so! Yay!

I only purchased these because I know guppies are hardy and I figured if they survived I would be doing something right! They were something like $9.95 each retail, is that the going price these days.? Seems awfully expensive to me, for one little guppy!

Anyway thanks for your encouragement and you are right......its amazing how many answers I have had and how wonderful everyone has been on this forum.

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Hey Jn I just realised I never answered your question about the type of filter I have. Its just an external one (I can't even see a name on it) with a pad which slips into the filter box. I think it is pretty useless but it came with the deal and next week I am going to look at getting another one. Any recommendations please.? Not too expensive but one which will do the job better than this one.Thanks

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Personally I find that guppies aren't as hardy as they appear, If something is wrong with the water they definitely seem the first to have problems. Well that's what I've noticed in my tank anyway. I always use mine as an indicator of sorts particularly when I first started the tank as out of all the fish they were they ones to first sit at the top when I had water problems so every time I saw they looked out of character (sitting at the top and swimming in circles instead of swimming below) I'd do a water change. Basically until they settled and their behavior was more consistent. I now do water changes once a week and Guppies are happy all the time. You may be able to find out whats in your water by ringing the local council. We are lucky here in Christchurch we can put our water in the tank straight from the tap.

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