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Discus, Loaches and Gunge


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Has anyone had experiences good or bad with discus being kept with dwarf chain loaches I have three biggish discus and to dwarf chain loaches, they seem to flash uncontrollably after being fed bloodworm at night and I notice it does sometimes occur at the same time the dwarf chain loaches are about, are these two an okay mix or does the dwarf chain loach flit about too quickly and maybe feel like a fluke to the discus??

More questions, I am going to treat my 225litre tsank with Droncit for fluke I cam only get 50 tabs of 50mg prazi - i know the dosage is 250mg per 100litres of water are there any suggestions for treatment cyccles to get the best use oout of these tablets, i am best to do 3 treatments in a row or leave a day between treatments??

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Don't really have an answer to that question, but alot of people have been asking about flukes lately and I am also having to treat for these, is it a fluke invasion? Who knows? :o

Unless you've introduced infected fish, you really don't need to treat for flukes. Most Adult discuss support a small population of them without problem - it is only when your fish's immune system is compromised by other things that the population increases that they become a problem.

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apart from ammonia, nitrate and nitrate what else should i be checking for in my water- oh and the PH of course - I stripped out a whole lot of java moss to discover my large bit of driftwood and give the discus lots of free open swimming space at the front I notice there is alot of gunk comming up fro mthe substrate do I just need to persisit and get this sorted? also what happens if there are uite a few dead leaves left to sit at the back of the tank?

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