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Feeding BBS to africans


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I have read in a few places that you shouldn't feed Africans baby brine shrimp because it has too much mucus or something and is bad for them, but i have also read that people feed it to their baby's to bring them up. I think i recall Ryan talking about bringing his baby demasoni up on decapsulated brine shrimp, along with other stuff, and i have demasoni from him

I always have freshly hatched bbs ready every 12 hours, and i always have excess so i feed it too all my other fish in my community tanks (once I've fed the killies and other fry of course) and every now and again i squirt a incy little bit into my Demasoni tank and they go absolutely NUTS over it. they all come out from the rock work instantly, and all go right up near the surface and munch it all back as fast as possible, but i try to not do it too much because i thought it was bad for them, but they love it.

Does anybody else feed BBS to their Africans at all? I have a pair of Neo brichardi (ok pulchar :roll: ) and im sure they'd love it too. Id love to be able to feed it to them more as they love it,and i always have heaps of the stuff hatching/hatched

people experiences?

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Ohk thats cool. I hatch mine in natural salt water yea, and i also feed it in the salt water aswell. I just take it out of the bottle with a turkey baster and put it into a little container, then i syringe it into the tanks. I dont bother rinsing it in freshwater first or anything. Dunno if i should or not but it hasnt harmed my fish before, with a little bit of saltwater with it :D

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Has anyone tried freezing BBS in a very thick solution?

Callum has been experimenting with this and found it a good solution to make them last, with time constraints sometimes to get a fresh batch on the go every few days.

So far works a treat, has been feeding baby tangs, demasoni etc.

Interested in your comments? :lol:



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All Neolamprologus would love them I would imagine since most of them if not all are carnivorous?

I think most people on CF seem to be feeding their fry on it as well some just dont feed it as much when they get older, I think their reason is of what Evil mentioned at the start. But then if in moderation and you dont notice anything wrong with them....... :roll:

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