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mixing aros


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awhile ago, i kept two silvers in together, unfrtunatley if one is bigger, it will win, as i found out, the original territory holder usually wins first hand and bigger eventally wins if it lives to see another day - rule of animal domination i guess, home advantage.

but, i was looking into this, i found out tat like discus fish, and cichlids, similar size yes is important, but more numbers than anything.

in philippines, you will never see silver aros in massive tanks like yours with only two, always 3 or 4, i asked why.

they said cos with 3 or 4, aggression is spread out. just like in discus and cichlid tanks.

although this is sound theory, in that country the cost of silver aro is pocket change. here its a little more than that. so its a risk you have to take, if it doesnt work, you separate i guess or flog one off to a new home. they are hardy anyways, probably could take some fighting before you get serious problems, with yoru tank, they have the ends of the tank to get away.

my two cents on past experiences. but two i dont think works that well...

but you know, nothing works untill one tries

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I think the general rule of thumb is that three is the bare minimum and five or more is better. Evil_elmo got lucky and has two silvers that get along together, so smaller groups can work, but they are the exception, not the rule.

There's a few people with aro communities on MFK, and some useful info on this subject in the arowana forum there.

Thats a nice looking tank, altho I'd be a little concerned about an aro injuring itself on the big pieces of wood if it got a fright, and its a bit on the small side for a community of silvers long-term. ;)

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i find that the fighting stops once they settle into the tank.

i had a few different silvers together and after a couple of days they get along fine

it was the same when i added a red into my tank with two silvers, the red bashed the smaller silver for the first two day then the fighting stopped

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